Chapter 27

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I woke up the next day, hanging halfway off of the bed. The only thing keeping from falling was Draco holding onto my waist. I struggled to get a grip on the nightstand to pull me up, but my weak arms kept giving way. I got so frustrated, I kicked my foot out, knocking into Draco's leg. He groaned, rolling over. I.E letting go of my waist. I tumbled off of the bed onto the floor. I put my hands down on the floor, causing me to do a summersault. Draco stayed asleep. I looked over at him. His back was facing me as he pulled the covers up. Glaring, I stood up, huffing.  

It was Christmas morning and the house was still. I could smell the food wafting out from the kitchen. It filled the house with sweet and savory scents. My stomach rumbled as I thought of what the house elves could be making for breakfast. A knock bounced around the room.

"Come in." 

Narcissa opened the door, peeking her head in. "Oh, good, you're awake."

I hummed, stretching my arms above my head, popping my spine. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. Would you mind helping me wake up sleepyhead so we can have breakfast? Lucius is waiting at the table."

Laughing, I turned around and jumped on the bed, bouncing up and down. "WAKEY, WAKEY! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" 

Narcissa chuckled as Draco's sleeping form slowly moved towards the edge of the bed. His arms went above his head to cover his ears. 

"No, sleep." 

"Draco, sweetie, you're going to fa-" 

Draco rolled away from me and right off the bed with a thud. I jumped off the bed, peering over at his body. 

"You alright, dude?" 

He raised a hand, giving me a thumbs up.  "I'm good."

"Well, get up. We're all hungry and waiting on you," Narcissa said, nudging his foot before walking out of the room. I grabbed Draco's ankle, pulling him towards the door, not caring if he resisted. It didn't matter. Narcissa was right. We were all hungry and was being held back from eating because of his lazy ass. 

"I will drag you down the stairs and break your pretty little face if I have to." 

"Fine, fine." Draco stood up, adjusting his clothing as he glared at me. 

"Don't be glaring. It's Christmas." I turned around and heading out of the room. 

Lucius and Narcissa cheered when we entered. We all scarfed down food as soon as it was placed in front of us. Many might have thought we hadn't eaten in days. I felt like I hadn't. 

My father walked into the room as we were finishing. We had slowed down and were eating at a normal place, but still as focused

"Happy Holidays, everyone!" 

He got mumbles in return. Dobby brought him a cup of coffee as he sat down. Once everyone was finished, we moved from the dining hall to the sitting room and started passing out gifts. I handed the Malfoys their gifts before sitting down next to Draco. Next to my seat were two medium size boxes with my name on them. 

"Who is going to open first?" Lucius asked. Everyone looked around, seeing who would volunteer.

"How about Draco goes first?" I suggested. "Youngest first."

He shrugged and grabbed the top gift. It was from his mother. Inside was a couple of sweaters made from his favorite material. 

"Thank you, mother." He got up and kissed her on the cheek, placing the box of sweaters down.

"Luna's turn," Lucius stated as Draco sat down. 

I carefully grabbed the first box and took off the lid. Inside was a variety of  Arctic Fox hair dye colors. I smiled, looking at the range of colors. Now I didn't have to worry about buying some when I went to go visit America, or running out before hand. 

"Yay! Thank you!" 

Narcissa opened up one next. It was from Draco. A painting from her favorite artist. Lucius was next and opened up my gift, which was a watch holder. We continued opening gifts until each one was open. I had giving Narcissa her favorite perfume and Draco a broom servicing kit. 

I had gotten a dress from Narcissa. Draco waited until the very end before giving me his gift. As Dobby was cleaning up the mess, he slipped a box onto my lap. I looked down at it confused.

"What's this?" 

"You're present. Open it!" 

I raised an eyebrow at him, picking up the box, slowly opening it. Inside laid a beautiful sterling silver music note necklace. I lightly ran my finger against it, afraid to damage it. 

"Do you want help putting it on?" Draco softly asked. His voice was unconfident.

"Please." I handed him the box, turning around and lifting up my hair so he could clasp it. The coldness against my skin made a smile cross my lips as I dropped my hair. 

"Thank you." I spun around, placing a kiss on Draco's cheek. 

"Only the best for my girl."


The rest of the day and the rest of break was spent relaxing and just spending time with each other. I was sad to go back to school. I wanted to continue making memories and hanging out at the Malfoys. Honestly, It was a lot more fun then at Hogwarts. 

The train station was just as hectic as usual. Everyone was reconnecting with their friends and rushing to get a compartment. Draco and I went into our usual compartment. Goyle and Crabbe were already in there with Zabini. 

We said hello before sitting down. I curled into Draco's side, wanting to sleep more before I had to deal with classes. Shortly after my eyes closed, I was out like a light.

Authors note

The chapter numbers will be off until I get to the chapter to edit. It would be a lot easier to fix it when I go to edit the entire thing. I took out some chapters. 

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