Chapter 45

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I climbed off of the train, waiting for Harry. He was going to introduce me to the Dursleys before I headed home. I wasn't going to America this year. My cousins are going out of town and I wouldn't have a place to stay. Harry, Ron, and Hermione climbed out of the train. My brother said goodbye to his friends, before walking over to me.

"Ready to meet your aunt and uncle?" 

I nodded, following Harry over to a group of three. There was a tall, thin woman, a large man with a bushy squirrel tail above his top lip and then a smaller, but still large, boy next to them.  The younger boy looked at me before standing up straighter. The woman raised an eyebrow.

"Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon," Harry started, "I would like you to meet my half-sister Luna."

The boy looked at Harry in shock before at me.

"What are you talking about boy?" The older man asked.

"It can't be!  She gave her up!" The woman cried.

"To my father,  yes.  Not to a stranger," I spoke. 

They all looked at me.

"Oh well,  um,  it's nice to meet you Luna.  I'm your aunt Petunia.  This is my husband, your uncle,  Vernon, and your cousin, Dudley."

I smiled.  "Nice to meet you!"

Vernon looked at me with a stern face.  I could see he didn't like how I looked but some part of him looked relieved.  I jumped as hands snaked around my waist.

"Thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Draco huskily whispered.  

I whipped around. "Damn it!  Harry,  we were too slow.  He found us." I snapped my fingers, looking at my brother.  He shook his head, amused.

Draco gave me that cute half grin. "What are you doing this summer?" He asked. He thumbs drew circles on my lower back over my shirt.

"Hanging with my dad. I can't go to America."

"Luna,  would you like to spend two weeks with us?" My aunt interrupted. 

Draco looked up shocked,  just now noticing I was by other people.

"Oh um,  sure... My father should be okay with it."

Draco cleared his throat and stood up straighter.

"Draco,  this is my aunt Petunia,  uncle Vernon and cousin Dudley.  This is my boyfriend,  Draco." 

He smiled at them. "Nice to meet you." 

They nodded and smiled anyone could tell was fake.

"Luna!" Narcissa shouted, grabbing me.  I let out a shriek, whipping around.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I barked.  

Lucius and her laughed. "Eh,  I wanted to scare you." 

I pouted.  "No scaring me.  And you!" I turned to Lucius and pointed a finger at him.

"Father,  run!  Run now!" Draco cautioned.

  Lucius looked alarmed.  Harry and the Dursleys watched confused. I could see me father approaching out of the corner of my eye. 

"Don't ever put innocent animals up for trial!  If there is one,  defend it!  You hear me young man!  Or I'll punch Draco." I started poking him.

"Yeah,  or she'll- wait what?" 

Lucius tried to grab my wrists as Draco stared at me bewildered.

"Luna,  stop poking your godfather, " My father's voice drawled out.

"Fine!" I pouted. 

Snape did a double take when he saw Petunia. "Petunia?" 

Realization sunk in on my aunts face. "Severus?" 

He nodded. "How have you been?"

"Alright,  you?"

"I've been okay." Lucius and Narcissa looked confused. "This is Lily's sister... " 

They nodded slowly, connecting the dots.

"Dad, they've invited me to spend two weeks with them," I commented.

"Okay,  then after you will spend a week with the Malfoys."

 I wrinkled my nose. "Why?  Who wants to spend time with  them?" I joked, acting disgusted.

Draco sneered. "Don't think I'm happy about it either, loser." 

I gasped,  placing a hand on my heart. "Awe,  thank you for noticing I'm a loser! " I wiped a fake tear as Draco dropped his sneer and face palmed.

"I'm so done with you." 

I giggled. "I'm so done with myself too!"

 Vernon cleared his throat. "We should be getting going now." 

I nodded.  I hugged my father,  Narcissa,  Lucius them Draco.

"Excuse me,  Petunia,  could I speak to you for a moment?" Narcissa asked as Draco pulled me into his chest.  He squeezed me tight and picked me off the ground.

"I'll see you in two weeks," I whispered in his ear.

"I'm going to miss your voice and waking up beside you."

"Don't be so cheesy!" 

Draco set me down and pulled back slightly. "I can't help it.  You make me a softie."

 I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back before squeezing me one last time.  Petunia and Narci returned from talking.  Draco was pulled to his mothers side as she whispered something into his ear.  His face lit up and he smirked at me.

"Well let's be going now."  

As we walked away,  Vernon noticed Harry reading a letter. "Who is that from,  boy?"

"Oh, my godfather.  You know the prisoner who escaped from prison, the mass murderer, Sirius Black.  He is just seeing how I'm doing. " 

I let out a loud laugh as the three's faces turned to pure horror.

"When you owl him back,  tell him little Snape says hi."

"Will do."

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