Chapter 5

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Luna's POV

I woke up an hour before classes start. Quickly changing into my school uniform, I grabbed the letter I wrote to Devin, my backpack with my books and Crow. Draco was still asleep. I quietly shut the room door behind me. Even though he was an asshole last night, I know how precious sleep is.  I wouldn't want anyone to disturb my sleep. I swiftly walked down the stairs and out into the courtyard. The castle was silent, only a few hushed voices of the early risers and the professors. The only other noises that could be heard were the birds chirping and the rustle of the leaves from the blowing wind. I gave Crow the letter and whispered Devin's name before sending him off. I watched as he flew away, back to where my most cherished memories were held. 

The letter was a recap of everything that has happened since I left and a check in with him. There was a part of me that wondered if he would respond. I did kind of just up and leave him to move to a different country. Sighing, I turned around and walked into the dining hall for breakfast. The skirt swayed against my knees as I walked.  It was getting annoying and fast.  Most everyone was already eating when I breached the Great Hall doors. I walked slowly over to the Slytherin Table, spotting my father handing out schedules. He stuck mine out at me as I passed. I muttered a thank you before walking to the nearest spot. My father looked at me confused, concern flickered in his eyes. Unfortunately, the nearest open spot was next to Draco. As I sat down, he glanced over at me.

"Where were you this morning?" 

"Sending a letter. Do I need to tell you my every move and thought?" I sassed. 

He glared at me. "Dont talk to me like that," He exclaimed loudly, almost shouting

"I will talk to you however i want to talk to you! Your not the king!" I shouted. 

Everyone's conversations stopped as they looked over at the table, curious to see what the commotion was about. Draco looked alarmed but tried to cover it up with a glare. Blood rushed to my face as I bolted out of the hall, losing my appetite. I heard someone walking after me. I raced down the hall and to the stairs that led to the dungeons. Leaning against the wall, I slid down it, running a hand through my hair.  I put my head in my hands as tears rolled down my face. The person following me stopped in front of me. 

"Bean, are you alright?" I heard my father whisper. 

I sniffled and looked up. Standing up, I wiped the tears from my eyes. 

"Yeah, just got a little angry," I responded wiping dust from my annoying skirt. 

Sev raised an eyebrow. "Your crying," He stated pulling me into a hug. 

I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in shakily. 

"Draco threatened me that he would find out my story. He asked why I named my owl after myself. I said I didn't and it was a long story. He kept pressuring. After I came out of the bathroom, he- he- he grabbed my wrist tightly and told me not to yell at him and that he would find out. Then this morning, he was questioning me on where I went," I quietly spoke into his chest. I felt his grip tighten as I told him what had occurred

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"My wrist is a little sore but I can deal."

 Sev looked at me warily. 

"I promise I will be alright."

"I knew placing you with Malfoy would be a terrible idea. His father didn't teach him good manners," He spoke, kissing my forehead. 

I smiled. "I'll be alright. Now head back before anyone get suspicious." 

He chuckled.  "Sweetie, classes already started."

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