Chapter 57

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It came time for the Yule Ball. Hermione and Ginny were coming over to the room of requirement to get ready. They were bringing Ron and Harry's date as well. I haven't met them yet. I woke up to Draco singing in the shower. I sat up in bed and smiled, listening in.

"I wouldn't take back a moment, Not one miserable moment, I'll give it all, 'til there's nothing." He was singing Into the Fire by Asking Alexandria. I sat in bed, just listening to his beautiful voice. A few minutes later, he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I whistled. Draco jumped, making sure the towel didn't fall and turned around.

"Oh, you're awake."

"Am I awake? Or am I dreaming?" I asked, my eyes raking his toned torso. Water dripped from his hair onto his shoulders. I bit my lip and looked back up at his face. He was smirking.

"Don't let me stop you. Continue staring at me like I'm a piece of meat."

 I giggled as the door swung open.

"Luna, are you-AHH!" The girls screamed when they saw Draco. Hermione covered Ginny's eyes as the other two covered each others. Hermione closed her eyes and turned away.

"Malfoy, would you mind putting on some clothes please?" She politely asked.

"Do I have too?"

"Unless you want to walk to the Slytherin dorms in just a towel, yes," I cut in.

"Why do I need to go to the dorms?"

"Cause I'm kicking you out. It's girls day." Draco pouted but grabbed clothes and turned forward. Before he got too far, I shot forward and smacked his ass. He yelped in surprise. The girls uncovered their eyes as Draco closed the bathroom door glaring at me.

"What was that?" One of the two I did not know asked.

"I smacked his ass...anyways! Hi, I'm Luna."

"Padma Patil."

"Parvati Patil." 

I nodded and smiled. Draco walked out in a suit.

"It's Saturday morning, why are you wearing a suit?" I asked, as he walked over to me.

"Because not all of us can dress alternative all of the time...see you later, beautiful." He pecked my lips before walking to the door, quickly nodding at the four Gryffindors as he opened the door and left. I sat on the bed, smiling like an idiot.

"God, I love that boy-" I smacked my hands over my mouth as Hermione and Ginny's heads snapped to look at me.

"What was that?" 

I smiled sheepishly. The two ran over and started gushing over our relationship as the Patil's slowly walked in, looking around. I ignored my two friends.

"Make yourselves comfortable. You can have whatever you want out of the fridge." The two nodded and walked over to the bed.

"Okay, let's head down to breakfast then come back up and hang out," Hermione said, standing up. I pouted.

"That means I have to get up and change!"

"Luna..." She sternly started. I shot up.

"I'M UP! I'M UP! DON'T GO BATSHIT ON ME!" I looked down at my pajamas which consisted of one of Draco's shirt and underwear.

"I-Is that Malfoy's shirt?" Padma asked. 

I nodded. "Yup." I slipped on a pair of leggings before frowning. To wear a bra or to not! That is the question!

"Eh, Ginny can you toss me that black sweatshirt?" I asked tucking in the long shirt in. Ginny tossed me my Sleeping with Sirens hoodie and I shoved it over my head and onto my body.

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