Chapter 28

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June 1st rolled around and it was time for my birthday. I am turning 14, one year older than Draco and everyone else in my grade. I woke up late for breakfast. Draco laid next to me, arms around my waist, lightly stroking the skin where my shirt raised. He studied my face.

"Why are you watching me sleep?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Cause you're beautiful."

I snorted. "I'm a potato."

Draco pouted. "No insulting yourself on your birthday."

My eyes widened in remembrance. "It's my birthday."

Draco laughed.

"It is."

I smiled and rolled over to face him. He smiled and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Happy birthday bunny."

"Thank you, Dray." I leaned forward and kissed him, just a quick peck.

Draco pouted when I pulled away. "That's all?"

"Yes. I'm hungry and have morning breath."

I got up and went to get ready for the day. Even doing a little dance in the bathroom mirror as I brushed my teeth. Draco was waiting for me as I emerged.

"We should get to class. Since you missed breakfast, I got this from the kitchen. The two weasels told me how to get in because it was for you." I cleared my throat and raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, Weasley twins."

Draco carried my bag like I did for him on his birthday as I ate. We walked to first period. When we got to potions class later that day, we noticed someone, besides Snape, sitting at the desk. Lucius. He nodded at us as we entered. Sev was writing something on the board. Draco and I looked at the older Malfoy confused as we sat down. Snape turned around and secretly smiled at me.

"Miss. Crow, a word please?" He said, walking over to where Lucius was sitting. I got up and walked over.

"Happy birthday, bean." He whispered, when I got over there.

"Happy birthday, Luna. Draco treating you nicely today?"

I smiled. "Thank you both and yes he is."

The two smiled and nodded.

"Good. You may sit down now."

"Can I know why-"

"You'll know in a minute, sit down."

I faked an offended look and went to sit down.

"What did they want? Why is my father here?"

"They wanted to wish me a happy birthday and I don't know why your father is here. They wouldn't tell me."

Draco nodded as two of the golden trio walked in. Hermione was missing. They passed our desk, whispering to each other.

"Harry!" I stopped them.

They looked at me alarmed.


"Where is Hermione?" I asked. Draco stared down at the desk awkwardly.

"None of your business!" Ron snapped, pushing Harry along.

Draco's knee bounced. "Oh, bloody hell." He stood up. "She just wanted to know, don't need to be a git about it. Also Harry, not going to wish your sister a happy birthday?"

The two Gryffindors looked back over at us. Ron glared at my boyfriend while Harry looked at me.

"It's your birthday?" I nodded mutely. "Sorry I didn't know. Happy birthday."

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