Chapter 49

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Draco's parents showed up an hour later, out of breath. They apparated me home before heading back to the manor. Sev pulled me into the house and locked the door behind me.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" 

I nodded. "I'm fine. Draco and I hid in the forest while Lucius and Narcissa helped the ministry."

 Something flashed in his eyes. It was too quick for me to catch it.

"Oh, that's good. Why don't you go get some sleep?" He kissed my head and I ran upstairs. I changed into pajamas before crawling into bed. I was out in a matter of minutes.


September first rolled around and Sev woke up me up early.

"Get up bean, you don't want to be late for the train. Can't be late for your first day. Especially with what is going to happen this year."

"What?" I groaned, rolling over.

"Something special is going on this year at Hogwarts."



"Sleepy..." I nuzzled my head into my pillow. Sev chuckled before picking me up. I squealed.

"Time to get up. Don't you want to see Harry or Draco?" 

I shook my head. "I like sleep more."

"Okay, I'll be sure to tell them that when you show up late for school."

"Thanks." Sev placed me in the bathtub. "What are you-NO!"

 Too late. Sev turned on the shower. The cold water splashed down on me. I screamed. Sev turned off the water. I sat in shock as my water-drenched clothes stuck to my body.

"What the fuck was that for!"

"To wake you up. Now take an actual shower, get dressed in your robes and meet me downstairs." 

I stuck my tongue out at him and stood up. He reciprocated the gesture before leaving. I peeled off my wet clothes before turning back on the shower, this time to hot water. I washed up before getting out. I got ready and headed down to the dining room and sat down. Bjorn sat down a plate off food in front of me.  I thanked him tiredly before eating.

"You ready to start your fourth year?" My father asked, reading the Daily Profit.

"I wanna sleep." Sev chuckled.

"You can sleep on the train." I finished eating before we left for Kings Cross.

"I'll see you later tonight." Sev kissed my head as I grabbed onto the full trolley.


I swiftly walked into the train station.  When I got to the entrance, I made sure no one was looking before turning my cart slightly and walking through the wall. I dropped off my things before going to find a compartment. I found Blaise sitting alone in the back of the train. I sat down with him.

"Sup, Luna," He greeted.

"Hey. How was your summer?"

"Interesting and boring at the same time."

"Honestly same." Blaise chuckled and it went silent. I stared out the window, watching families say goodbye to one another. The compartment door opened and Crabbe and Goyle walked in.

"Hello," They said in unison. I nodded at them. Blaise smiled. A few minutes later, the door was thrown open.

"GUYS! Guess what my father told me!" My boyfriend's voice spoke excitedly. He rushed in and shut the door behind him, sitting down next to me.

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