Chapter 44

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As the end of the year snuck up, everyone focused on exams. There was still talk of Sirius, but it died down. Draco and I spent most of our time studing. We would read notes while we cooked or cleaned, then quizzed each other while we ate or when we were finished cleaning.

"I'm tired and my brain hurts," Draco moaned, one afternoon closing his book.Crabbe burst into the room.

"Malfoy! Malfoy! Its the day!" He exclaimed, running over to his blonde friend.

"What are you on-Its the day!" Draco shot up and pulled me off the bed.

"Draco! No, I need to study!"

He ignored me and kept pulling me out the door. I sighed and started walking willingly. We walked out of the castle and to the beginning of the stairs to Hagrid's. We passed a man sharpening a blade. Draco pulled me to his side closer when the man looked over at us. When we got to where we should be, there was another boy with binoculars.

"Hand them here."

The three boys peered around the side of a rune. I stared up and the sky while rocking on my heels.

"Malfoy look," Crabbe said.

"Come to watch the show?" I heard my boyfriend ask. I looked down to see the golden trio walking towards them.

"You lonesome evil cockroach," Hermione spat, pulling her wand out on Draco. I gasped as she backed him up against a rune with her wand against his throat.

"Hermione! Dont!" I cried, walking forward.

"You too Luna?" She said in disbelief.


"I thought you like Buckbeak?" Ron asked.

I nodded. "I do, but why-no. Draco, what did you do! What did Lucius do?"

"B-B-Buckbeak was put up for trial and my father spoke about my arm-"

"Of course he did. Really, Draco? You had to tell them. Did you ask for Buckbeak to put up for trial?"

Draco stared up at the sky with a scared look on his face.

"Hermione, he isn't worth it. Lower your wand, please," I whispered.

Hermione lowered her wand. She went to walk away but decided Draco needed to pay somehow. Granger whipped back around and punched him right in the nose. I gasped. Ron and Harry stepped back surprised. Draco groaned, holding his nose. He and his two goons ran off.

"Well done Mione." I clapped.

She looked over at me. "You're not mad I punched your boyfriend?"

I shrugged. "He deserved it."

The three laughed.

"We are heading to Hagrid's, care to join?" Harry asked.


The four of us started down towards Hagrid's. We knocked on his door. Hagrid opened the door and looked down at us shocked.

"What are you thr-four doing here?" He let us in.

"We came to support you. We want to be here when it happens," Harry spoke.

"You will do no such thing!" Hagrid boomed. "This isn't something you should see."

We tried to protest but he wasn't having it.

"Dumbledore is coming down to be with me. Great man he is. Oh, by the way, Ron look who I found." Hagrid turned around and grabbed something out of a container. Ron's rat.

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