Chapter 30

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Luna's POV

I ran around the room, packing.  Exams were canceled because of a giant snake roaming the school and Harry defeating it. He got a good scolding from me, whether he considers me his sibling or not. Draco spent the whole dinner grumbling about how he was getting his nose into everything.

I shoved clothes into my trunk, not bothering to fold anything. Draco neatly folded his shirts and carefully placed them into his trunk. He looked up and noticed my method.

"What are you doing?" He shrieked.

I froze. "Packing? What are you doing?" 

He rushed over. "You're going to wrinkle your clothes." 

I raised an eyebrow. "So...?" 

He narrowed his eyes. "I'll pack your clothes. You grab whatever else you need."

"No, Draco, I got this. It doesn't matter if they wrinkle," I argued. 

He simply brushed me off and took my clothes out of the trunk. I rolled my eyes and started packing other items. An hour later, we were both packed.

"There," Draco said, closing my trunk and hauling it off the bed. I grabbed the handle, moving to go stand by the door.

"Thank you, but it wasn't necessary." 

Draco shrugged and grabbed his things. We walked down to the courtyard. Our things were taken from us and to the train. I went off to find my father. He was standing off in the corner, watching everyone. I ran over and hugged him.

"See you soon," I mumbled.

"See you at the end of the summer. Have fun at the concert. And make sure Draco doesn't get lost in America please."  

I laughed. "Will do." I pulled away. 

Sev smiled, giving me a quick pat on the head before walking off. I went to find Draco. Instead, I found the golden trio. I walked over to the three. They stopped talking when I was in earshot.

"Why do you always do that?" I questioned.

"What do you need?" Hermione asked snobbishly.

"I just wanted to wish you guys a good summer,"

"Where's your boy toy?" Ron questioned. 

I sighed. "I don't know why I even try! Get over whatever feud you have. Draco is trying to be nice, why can't you three?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Have a good summer, bro," I said, before walking away. I found Draco talking with Crabbe and Goyle. He noticed my bad mood right away.

"Whats wrong?"

"Weasley and Granger are whats wrong. I tried to be nice but they were assholes." 

Draco frowned, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his side. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Don't get worked up over those two." He kissed my forehead. 

A few minutes later, we boarded the train. I slept most of the way back. Draco woke me up when we got to the station. We got off the train and looked for the Malfoy's driver, who is taking us to the airport. When we got into the car, Draco let his nerves show. His knee started to bounce as his hand clasped and unclasped.

"Are you nervous?" I asked. 

He nodded. "About the plane and about America."

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. You are going to have so much fun in America. Maybe we could temporarily dye the ends of your hair." 

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