Chapter 16

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Draco's POV

I walked to my dorm, staring at the floor. Crabbe and Goyle followed me silently.

"Draco, are you okay?" Blaise asked, when he noticed me looking gloom.

"I'm fine," I snapped, stopping in front of the open common room door. He looked startled.

"I'm fine," I repeated softly, before running to my room.

Fifteen minutes later, the door was thrown open. Snape walked in with a student behind him. Luna. I stared at them confused. Snape waved his wand and bags appeared. No, please, no.

"You will stay in here till we figure out what is going on." Snape said sternly towards his daughter. She nodded. The professor looked at me.

"Anyways, it's not like I'm forcing you to room with Miss. Parkinson. You're with Draco." He looked back and forth between us, smiling smally. I stared at the girl.

"Yeah," She laughed quietly.

Snape said goodnight before walking out. Luna sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Where is the other bed?" She asked softly.

"I dont know. When you left, it left with you, so I transformed my bed into a double." I replied with the same softness.

"Ill sleep on the floor, I guess."

"No," I quickly shouted. She jumped. "No, you can sleep up here."

"Draco, I dont want to make you sleep on the floor. You have quidditch." She refused to look at me.

"Then we can share the bed. You are not sleeping on the floor."

Luna finally looked up but at spot next to me on the bed. She nodded and went to go change. I quickly changed out of my school uniform to a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. As I grabbed my bag to finish up some homework, Luna walked out in a large shirt and shorts. I tried not to stare as she threw her hair up into a top knot before walking over with her pin-covered school bag. She looked up at me as she sat down. Our elbows brushed as she leaned forward, placing her bag at the end of the bed.

"What to do first?" She asked herself.

I placed my ink cup on the stand next to me, dipping my quill into it. We worked in silence.

I finished my work with a sigh. Luna wrote her Potion's essay, quietly mouthing, what I am assuming are, song lyrics. I packed up my homework before placing my bag on the floor. I rolled over onto my side and snuggled into the blankets. My mind raced. Are we still friends? Why did she snap? Will she forgive me? Why are we being so distant? My thoughts jumped to a whole thing. Did this ruin my chance with her? Did I ever have a chance?

"Probably not. You're a complete asshole and she's is-well- she's Luna." My conscience yelled. My thoughts kept racing as I slowly drifted into a deep slumber.

Luna's pov

I woke up snuggled up into a warm pillow. Snuggling closer, I took a deep breath. Something around my waist tightened its grip. My eyes shot open. NOT A PILLOW! NOT A PILLOW! I gasped, sitting up. The action knocked Draco's arm from around me, waking him up.

"What's going on?" He groggily asked.

I stared down at him. His eyes fluttered open and widened as he realized how close we were.

"Uh-um-uh. Sorry!" I stumbled for words.

His eyes met mine. They were filled with shock and another emotion I couldn't place. He opened his mouth.

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