Chapter 47

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Halfway through the week with the Malfoys, Draco and I went to the Falling in Reverse. I kept my cool when meeting them. Ronnie even said we were a cute couple and gave me a hug after I stuttered a thank you, turning into a tomato. As soon as we left the venue and the slightly cold wind attacked our sweaty skin, I broke. I had to stop walking and take a few deep breaths but when I looked up at Draco, I burst into tears. He quickly wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder. Other people emerged from the venue, either with tears running down their face or were full on sobbing.

After spending a week with the Malfoys, Sev came and picked me up. We spent as much time together as possible. He has realized that for every break I have gone somewhere else besides home. I'm either in America, which he is okay with or at the Malfoys.

"No more going to the Manor, okay?" He sternly told me, as we ate dinner. 

I laughed."Okay, after the World Cup I'll stop hanging out with the Malfoys. How about I just completely ignore them? Malfoy? Who is Malfoy?" 

Dad chuckled. "Sounds good. Just one tiny problem."

"What is that?"

"You're dating Draco... Who if I remember correctly is a Malfoy."

"Damn" I snapped my fingers. "I'll ignore Lucius, how about that?"



The day before the World Cup, I went back over to the Malfoys.

"Goddamn, I can not stay in one place," I jokingly groaned ,as I stepped out of the fireplace. Silence. I looked around. No one was in sight.

"Hello?" I called out. No answer.

"Is anyone home? Draco? Narci? The other person that lives here?" 

No one was home.

"HOLY FUCK! I HAVE THE MANOR TO MYSELF!" I shouted, throwing down my bag. Kicking off my shoes, I took off my sweatshirt. I ran upstairs to Draco's room. I connected my phone to the enchanted Bluetooth speaker I keep forgetting here before changing into one of Draco's shirts.

To be honest, I could fill a drawer with all of his clothes I have stolen. They're just so warm and comfy. Plus they smell like him. His cologne, slight smell of hair product and mint toothpaste. All of that combined makes a perfect soothing smell. Well to me.

I grabbed the speaker and pressed play on my phone. Narcissa enchanted it so I could hear it all of the way across the Manor clearly.

"Listen up now, motherfuckers this is how it's going to be and I don't give a fuck if you like it or not." Infamous by Motionless in While blasted from the tampered speaker. I slid out of the room and down the hallway. Running down the stairs, I sang along to the music. I danced my way to the kitchen. Searching the cupboard for food, I bopped my head to the beat. Once I realized there was nothing in the cupboard, I opened the fridge. Nothing.

"Really!" I shouted to myself. I stared, hoping food would magically appear. It did not.

"CURSE THEM! WHY CANT THEY HAVE A FRIDGE THAT MAGICALLY RESTOCKS ITSELF!" A loud crack rang through the room. I screamed and slipped, falling to the floor.

"I'm so sorry, Mistress! Millie did not know that you were unaware of her!" 

I took deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. "It's okay, you just gave me a fright."

"Millie deeply apologizes! What can I do for you?"

"How about making some food and we can chat?"

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