Chapter 36

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My motivation this week has dissolved into thin air. I fell behind on school and started skipping meals to catch up.  It was hard to stay focused when trying to work on homework and assignments. After classes end, I head straight to my room, not bothering to talk with anyone.

I slowly made my way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts room. My body ached with exhaustion and hunger. I stumbled into the room, rubbing my eyes, trying to wake myself up. Draco looked at me concerned from his spot against the back wall. I still haven't talked to him. I have been swamped with work and not having the will too.  I walked over to Harry and the other two.

"Hey, Luna. Are you okay?" Harry asked, put a hand on my shoulder. 

I swayed, my eyes drooping. "I'm fine, just tired," I mumbled, before yawning.

 He didn't get the chance to say anything else as Lupin walked in and started class. Halfway through, I started feeling extremely light-headed. I stumbled back, catching my balance. My head pounded as my mouth dried. My limbs felt heavy as I struggled to stay standing.

"Luna? Are you okay?" Lupin stopped his lesson, looking at me concerned.

I nodded but stopped when a massive wave of pain reached my head. I groaned as the world started spinning. I stumbled back and down I went, blacking out before I hit the floor.

Draco's POV

Luna walked in looking terrible. She looked extremely tired and sickly. I looked at her concerned as she dragged her feet. Halfway through class, she stumbled.

"Luna? Are you okay?" The professor asked.

 She nodded and groaned. It all happened in slow motion. Luna started falling backward. I bolted forward. My arms slipped underneath her inches away from the ground. Her head fell back against the cold floor. Tears pushed their way to my eyes. 

"Draco, take her to the hospital wing immediately.  Harry, grab both of their bags then come back.  Draco, you are dismissed. Go tell her father where she is." Lupin quickly shot.

I stood up, adjusting my grip. Harry grabbed Luna's bag before running to grab mine. It was silent as we walked to the hospital. I frowned down at my girl, my poor baby girl.

"Thanks for carrying my bag," I mumbled. 

Harry looked up a little shocked. "No problem."

Madame Pompfrey rushed around when we arrived, gathering all of the materials she needed. Harry set down our bags out of the way before returning to class.

"Um, I'll let you do your thing and go tell her father." 

Madame looked up and nodded before returning to examining Luna's head.I swiftly walked to the dungeons. I knocked on the door before entering. The first years turned to look at me as Snape stopped speaking. Some whispered with their friends.

"That's Draco Malfoy. I heard he bullies Harry Potter."

"That's Snape's daughter's boyfriend." 

Snape cleared his throat, silencing the whispers. "What can I help you with Mr. Malfoy?" 

I swallowed hard. "Luna...she-she passed out in DADA. Madama Pompfrey his check on her now. L-Lupin told me to come t-t-tell you," I choked out. 

My godfather's face dropped. He spit out orders for the class to do while he was gone, saying that he would send someone to supervise before speed-walking out of the room. 

"Do you know why she fainted?" He asked, as we reached the end of the dungeon hallway.

"No, when she walked into the class you could tell she wasn't feeling the best. She looked tired and sickly," I softly spoke.  

He nodded. I quickly ran ahead and held open the door. Sev walked up to Luna. He grabbed her hand and pulled a chair up. I sat down on the other side, grabbing her other hand. Madame Pompfrey walked up.

"Nothing is seriously wrong, that I can see without her awake. She is just exhausted and malnourished. Has she been eating or having trouble sleeping?" 

They both looked at me. 

I shrugged. "I haven't spoken to her in awhile but I haven't seen her at any meals. Maybe the room is supplying them?" 

Pompfrey looked at me confused.


"Luna has turned the room of requirement into her bedroom. IF the room has been supplying them, why hasn't she eaten?" Sev whispered. 

"Let me know when she wakes up." Madame Pompfrey returned to her office. 

I sighed, gripping Luna's hand tighter. "Please wake up soon Luna," I mumbled. My voice cracked. 

The golden trio ran in. Harry gasped for breath as he stopped at the end of the bed. 

"Any news?" Hermione asked. 

I shook my head. "Not much, just she was exhausted and malnourished. This is all my fault. If  I only noticed the something was wrong! I could've prevented this!" I croaked. I sniffled as my eyes filled up with tears. 

"Draco, you wouldn't have known she wasn't eating or sleeping." Sev softly said. I clenched my eyes close, resting my forehead on my hand that was holding hers. I curled my lips in, trying to hold back the tears. My body shook as the sobs rummaged through my ribcage trying to break free. 

We sat around, waiting for Luna to awaken. Soon, it was time for dinner. We all quickly shoveled food down our throats before heading back to Luna. Fred and George came alone this time.  My parents arrived shortly before dinner ended after hearing the news. We were there for five minutes before something happened. Luna's hand twitched in mine before gripping it. She groaned, scrunching her eyes and then opening them. She looked at me.

"Who are you?"

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