Chapter 58

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The morning after the ball, I woke up before Draco. I stretched my arms and legs. A shock of pain spread through my body as I stretched my legs. My eyes drifted to the floor where our clothes were strung about.  I turned my head towards the sleeping person next to me.

His mouth was slightly open as his hair covered his face. He had one arm above his head and one resting on his chest. I smiled and rolled over, snuggling into his side. I placed my head on his chest and on hand on his. Still asleep, he brought down the arm above his head around me. I placed a light kiss on his chest.

I am not going to lie and tell you some fairy tale version of doing it for the first time. It was painful and uncomfortable but amazing at the same time. At first, it was painful, but after a few moments, the pain subsided and just became pleasure with slight uncomfortable.  Draco was very sweet. He made sure he gave all of me the same amount of affection. I wouldn't change how last night went at all.

Draco stirred and tightened his grip as he awoke from his slumber. He groaned as his eyes adjusted to the light. I tilted my head to look up at him, smiling slightly.

"Morning," I whispered, as he looked down at me.

"Morning." Draco looked around as last night flooded his mind. A smile made its way across his face. He picked up a piece of hair and twirled it.

"Your bed head is cute." I giggled.

"So is yours." I picked up a piece of his hair that was on the pillow before dropping it onto his face.

"Why thank you, madam."

"You are welcome, kind sir!"  We sat in silence, enjoying being in each other's arms. After a few minutes, I broke the silence.

"I need to shower, I stink," Draco smirked.

"So do. You know what? We use too much water-"


He pouted. I pecked his lips before sitting up, making sure the blanket stayed up. I pulled the top blanket towards me and wrapped it around my bare body, before standing. Draco stared up at me with a smile on his face. As I started towards my wardrobe to grab clothes, the door opened.

"LUNA! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT RONALD-HOLY MERLIN!" Hermione stomped in, shouting.

 I froze. Her wide eyes went from me in only a blanket to Draco who was sitting up alarmed and finally to our discarded clothes. She stuttered a bit before taking a deep breath and walking out. Red crawled up her neck towards her face as she reopened the door.  When the door shut, I slowly turned to look at Draco.

"Well then..." He mumbled ,laying back down. I stumbled over to my wardrobe and got out clothes before going to take a shower.

Once both Draco and I were washed up, smelling good and dressed, we put on our shoes to go down to breakfast.

"Hey, Draco?" I said, as I slipped on my last boot.

"Yeah?" I walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders, standing on my toes.

"I'm glad you were my first." I pecked his lips and stepped back. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"I'm glad you were my first too." 

We walked down to the Great Hall. Everyone was talking about the ball as we entered. I searched for the Hermione. I found her whispering to Ginny.

"You should go see what Granger wanted to talk about earlier," Draco mumbled into my ear.

 I nodded and turned around. "See you later." I kissed him.

"See you."

 I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to the brown-haired girl. Ginny's eye snapped towards me.

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