Chapter 33

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Third person POV

Draco stormed into the Slytherin common room. Everyone's head snapped up at the loud sound.

"Whats up Malfoy?" Crabbe asked. 

Draco fiercely glared at his friend. "Shut up," He spat, running up to his dorm. 

Once the door was closed, he broke. The tears rushed to his eyes, his anger subsided and he let his sadness shine. He wasn't angry at Luna. No, she did nothing wrong. He was the one who made fun of her brother, he was the one who was a jerk. Draco was angry with himself. He usually was good at making sure he didn't tease or make fun of her brother around her. Luna knew he cracked jokes with his friends. It was just who he was and she knew she couldn't change him. She did remind him to be a better person.   

Tears rolled down Draco's face as he ran his hands through his hair.

Shes going to break up with you. Your not good enough for her. She needs someone who will be nice, not a jerk like you.

His thoughts taunted him as he paced in his room. Draco let out a scream, throwing a pillow across the room. He jumped on the bed and thought of all the times they had last year and over the summer. They were doing so well and then he had to go and fuck it up.  He decided he was going to wait a couple of days, let her cool down, before he talked to her.

Luna, on the other hand, ran into her room and leaned against the door. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, holding back tears. Once she thought she was okay, Luna stood up and walked over to her bed.

Bad mistake.

Luna's eyes landed on the bunny Draco got her at Chuck-E-Cheese. She slowly picked it up and stared at it.  The memories of summer hit her like a bag of potatoes. Her body shook as a sob raked its through her throat. She let out a whine before sobbing. Luna slid down to the floor, clutching the bunny to her chest. Her back rested against the bed as she cried herself to sleep.

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