Chapter 21

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Draco and I walked to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Lockheart had started a dueling club because of the recent events.  It was a smart idea. Although, I'm not sure how much he is actually going to teach us. Another professor would be better than he would. I doubted his abilities. I'm sure Dumbledore made sure he was legit and capable before he hired him, but was it true? I've seen his books and even read a couple of pages. Who knows if it was true or if he dramatized it. 

We squeezed past people up to the front.  Draco roughly pushed his way through while I apologized and said excuse me. Crabbe and Goyle were already standing there. Draco pushed past them and pulled me up next to him. The two stood on either side of us like bodyguards. I rested my head on Draco's shoulder tiredly. He rested his head on top of mine, wrapping an arm around me. 

A few minutes later, Lockheart walked onto the platform.

"Can you all see me? Can you all hear me?"

 We all moved closer to the platform. I tuned out what Lockheart was saying for a moment, but tuned back in when I heard my father's name. Snape walked on to the platform.

"Dont worry youngsters, you'll still have your potions professor when I'm done."

"More like, will we have our defense professor when we're done?" I mumbled to Draco.

 He stiffed a laugh. Snape smirked down at me. The two teachers walked away from each other and raised their wands.

"Expeliarmis." My father cast a spell. 

We watched as Lockheart flew backwards. Everyone laughed and some girls looked worried.

"Good one Professor, but I knew you were going to do that. I could've blocked it if I wanted too."

"Maybe it would be prudent to teach the students how to block unfriendly spells?"

Lockheart nodded. "Great suggestion. How about a volunteer pair? Potter and Weasley."

"Mr. Weasley's wand causes destruction at the simplest of spells. We would be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a match box. How about some one from my own house? Malfoy?" Snape gave a sassy shrug.

"Sassy Severus Snape is at it again," I whispered to Draco, before he climbed up onto the platform.

The two boys walked away from each other before getting into battle stance. Draco a spell sending Harry back. Draco smirked proudly. Harry got back up and shot a spell back. Draco flew in the air twirling a few times. He landed in front of my father. Draco looked up at him. Sev grabbed him by the robes and yanked him up roughly. I raised an eyebrow at him when he shot a glance at me. Sev loosened his grip and roughness. Draco shot a snake out of his wand. It hissed at a Hufflepuff.  Everyone backed up. Harry started speaking a different language. I couldn't recognize it. I didn't know he could speak another language. 

"He's parcelmouth?" A slytherin whispered.

"What's parcelmouth?" I asked the girl next to me.

"If you're parcelmouth, you can speak to snakes." 

I looked at my younger brother in shock, just in time to see the snake look at him before turning around and slither its way towards the Slytherins. Snape pulled Draco behind him. Everyone ran back. I stood in front still. The snake hissed and slithered close to the end of the platform. It lunged at me. I screamed and ducked away. Snape got rid of the snake before it could reach me. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. I breathed heavily, staring at where the snake used to be. Draco jumped down from the platform and ran to me. He pulled me into his arms. I rested my hands on his chest while placing my head in the crook of his neck. Tears welled up in my eyes as he rubbed my back comfortingly.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Draco shouted.

 I flinched. He held me tighter and whispered sorry. Before Harry could respond, Hermione and Ron dragged him out of the room. Draco looked down at me.

"its okay. You're safe now," He soothed.

"Does he hate me that much for not making a choice, or choosing him, that he would edge that snake to me?" I sniffled. Another hand was placed on my back. 

"Draco, take her to the dorms. I will write you both a pass to excuse from classes tomorrow," My father's voice spoke. 

Draco nodded and led me out of the room. I didn't remove my head from his shoulder.

"WHAT? That's not fair! Any of us could have gotten attacked!" A squeaky voice shouted. Pansy.

 We ignored it and kept walking, letting my father deal with her. Draco and I walked in silence to the Slytherin dorms. Once we arrived to our room, I quickly changed into pajamas and laid down on the bed. Draco followed, putting on a pair of sweatpants and a plain black shirt. He crawled into the bed next to me after shutting the bathroom door behind him. 

"Luna?" He whispered. 

I looked up at him. His eyes were filled with worry.

"I'm fine, Draco. Just a little shaken up." I was shaken up but also confused. Why didn't Harry mention anything about speaking to snakes? Did he even know? And did he edge that snake on and make it attack me or was it just the snakes choice? 

He nodded and wrapped an arm around me. We laid facing each other. I closed my eyes. Draco lightly kissed my forehead, then my nose. His breath fanned across my face as I opened my eyes. He was inches away. His grey eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. I watched as he leaned in. My eye lids fluttered shut as his lips brushed mine. He pulled away slightly before fully pressing his lips on mine. I kissed back without thought. When we finally pulled away, my lips were tingling and cold without his on them.

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