Chapter 41

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As the year went on, Draco moved into the room of requirement with me. It became like a little apartment. The room decided to give us a little kitchen and a couch. It was a shock to find out. We returned from classes one day and there was a love seat off to the right. I slowly walked in and set down my bag.

"When did that get here?" I asked, pointing at the couch. Draco did a double take.

"I dont know. Was that here this morning?" I shook my head and walked over to the bed. I jumped onto the bed and closed my eyes.

"Tired, bunny?" Draco hummed and sat down beside me. I nodded and turned to look at him. I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

"IS THAT A KITCHEN? WHAT THE FUCK!" I shot up and ran over. I opened the fridge. It was filled with muggle food and drink items. 

Draco walked over. "Come on! This is school and we are in third-year!"

 I giggled at his complaining. "This year is getting more and more interesting by the day," I said, jumping up on the counter. 

Draco moved so he was standing between my legs with his hands on either side of me. "It is but we are getting through it together and that's all that matters."

 I smiled at him. I placed a hand on his cheek.

"That is correct. I don't think I could have stayed sane through this year without you." I placed a quick kiss on his lips before pushing him away so I could jump down. 

Draco walked over and plopped down on the couch. "Come sit with me." He made grabby hands. 

I threw my head back, laughing. I walked over and sat down next him. I sunk right into the cushion. 

"This is comfy." I wiggled.

"Great for making out." 

I sighed, facepalming. I started smacking arms and chest. "Is that all you think about?" I shouted. 

He laughed and leaned away. "I think about other things but I mean-" 

I gasped, hitting him with a pillow.  "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" 

"Stop hitting me, woman!" He got up and started running. 

I chased after him. "Get back here!" 

Draco laughed like a maniac but kept running. I heard the door open and two voices. Draco fell to the floor and I started hitting him, all he did was laugh and cover his face.

"Yeah, she found this room in first year- what are you two doing?" 

I stopped hitting Draco and looked over. Harry and Professor Lupin stood there confused.

"Uh-nothing. What can we help you with?" 

Draco crawled away from me.

"Um, I would like to speak to you and Harry both. Is that a kitchen?" 

I looked over. "Yeah, the room gave that and the couch to us for no reason. Um...Draco you are not off the hook." 

The blond stood up. "Okay, go on now." 

I threw the pillow on the couch before walking out with the two. Once the door was shut and we were far away, Lupin started speaking.

"When we get to the classroom, I will fill you in, Luna. But, I am teaching young Harry here the Patronus charm and he suggested you learn as well." 

I nodded. "Cool, what does it do?"

"Its a protector against dementors."

"ah yes, the dementors."

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