Chapter 3

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Luna's POV

"Welcome home, bean," My father quietly said, looking down at me. I smiled and wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you so much. This is amazing!" 

Sev kissed my head. "No problem. Let me give you the grand tour then we can go get you a wand. Its a late so not many people should be there." 

I nodded. We walked out into the hall.

"Here is my room. The guest room. And if you come down stairs." We walked down to the bottom floor. "Living room, my study, the guest bathroom, dining room and finally the kitchen."

"My favorite room," I joked.

My father smiled. "Shall we get going?"

 I nodded. We walked into the living room.

"We are going to travel by floo powder. " He handed me a cloak. "Its going to be cold out." 

I shrugged on the thick and warm fabric. Sev pulled me into the fire place.

"What the f-" I was cut off.

"Diagon Ally." Then a blast of flames, and suddenly, we are standing in another fireplace on the street. My eyes widened.

"fuck?" I finished my sentence. 

My father looked down at me disapprovingly. "Language."

"English. Where are we?" I asked. 

Sev shook his head. "We are at Diagon Ally. Ollivanders is the place we need to go." 

Snape grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I followed while looking at all of the old buildings. Some kids were looking at something through a store window.

"Oh my Merlin. Its the new Nimbus 2000." I heard one say.

"Oh my Ghost! The new Nimbus 2000! I didn't know there was a new Nimbus out!" I fangirled. Sev looked at me confused.

"You know what a Nimbus 2000 is?" He asked. 

I smiled and shook my head. "No just mocking those kids over there."  

He smiled. "Well here is some money. Ollivanders is right there. I will be back in a few. There is something I need to get."

 I nodded, taking the money before walking into the store. The bells jiggled as I walked into the musky shop. An old man appeared from the back.

"Hello there!  What's your name?"

I smiled. "Luna Crow." Father said to go by my middle name to keep our connection a secret. 

"Ah. Here for your first wand Miss Crow?"

"That I am." 

The old man thought for a moment before walking over a wall.  His eyes traveled down the shelves looking for something particular.

"Ah ha!"

He pulled a long box out. I watched curiously.

 "Give this one a wave."

The man carefully handed me the wand.  I took it and waved it.  Glass exploded on the shelf behind the desk scaring the ever living pumpkin out of me.  I immediately set down the wand.  Sheepishly,  I looked at Mr. Ollivander.  He smiled down at me as someone entered the shop. He looked over at the door.

"Mr. Malfoy! What a pleasure to see you!" I looked over at the door to see a man with long platinum blonde hair and a younger boy.  The boy had the same color hair,  just short and slicked back.  My eyes locked with the boy's.  He stared intently. 

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