Chapter 12

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Luna's POV

My eyes shot back and forth between the three adults. My fathers words played over and over in my head.

" your godparents, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy."

Draco stopped eating, his fork raised in the air. He stared at my father with a blank face, just as shocked as I am.

"Oh..." I said. The Malfoy's looked at me nervously. "Thats awesome. Um, I dont know what else to say."

Narcissa smiled at me. "Thats okay, sweetie. Just to let you know, when your father told us he was having a kid, Lucius and I vowed to spoil them as much as we could."

Sev sighed, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "And remember what I said?"

Lucius pouted. "You said no."

I leaned forward. "I wont tell, if you dont," I stage-whispered.

Lucius nodded.

Sev looked at me sternly. "No is no,"  He spoke, all joking aside.

"Yes, of course father." I smirked at Lucius and Narcissa. The two winked at me.

Sev put his face in his hands."Look like its only me and you, Draco."

Silence. We all looked over to where the blond boy was supposed to be...was. The chair was vacant.

"Draco? Narcissa called.

"Where did that little boy go?" I asked, turning in my chair.

A few moments later, Draco appeared holding a photo.

"Luna Crow Snape, June 20th 2002." He said. Sev smiled.

"Is that photo of me?" I asked as Draco sat down. He nodded and handed me the photo. "Why do you have a photo of me? Creep!" I teased. He glared as I looked at the smiling baby in the photo.

"You were a cute baby,"  Sev said, looking at the photo in my hands. I smiled and nodded.

"This photo has been in the living room since I was born," Draco added.

Lucius and Narcissa smiled.

"We put it up there as soon as we received it. Its next to all of the Draco baby photos." My head shot up.

"Oh no." Draco mumbled underneath his breath.

I raised an eyebrow.  "Draco photos?" I questioned.

Narcissa smiled. "Want to see them?"

"Got any embarrassing ones?" I asked, looking back and forth between her and Lucius. 

They smirked.  Draco groaned. 

"No!  No!  No,  she can-"

I cut him off. "Shush, Draco.  The adults are talking!" I scolded.

"I'm old-"

"Nope. You read the date of the photo. Why did you think you were older?"

Draco snatched the photo from my hand and read the date. "But-but you were a first year!"

I smirked.

"I signed her up as a first year so she could learn everything and didn't have to rush to catch up to 2nd years," My father answered for me.

"I'm older!" I exclaimed. 

Dinner was long done.  We got so caught up in talking, we didn't move from the table.

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