Chapter 54

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As the first task grew nearer and nearer, all of the champions became tense. The others handled it good from what I have seen. Me on the other hand... let's say everyone is walking on eggshells around me. There were multiple times I blew up for no reason or falsely accused someone just because my mind was too focused on the task.

"Luna, are you listening to me? I think Krum likes me. I don't what to do! I like Ron-"

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP? NO ONE CARES!" I slammed my hands on the table. 

Hermione jumped and whimpered slightly. Harry, Ginny, Dean, and Seamus turned to look at me alarmed, everyone did.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry. I-i-ill shut up-p." 

I glared up at her from my book. I was reading about the past tournaments to get an idea of what the first task might be. A slip of parchment landed in front of Hermione. She opened it with teary eyes. Guilt crept up but disappeared when I saw her look back at the Slytherin table. I looked up more to see her looking at Draco and him looking back. The guilt vanished and my insensible mind took over.

"Exchanging love notes with my boyfriend now?" I snatched the paper out of her hand.

Don't get used to me helping you or whatever but Luna has been stressed. Don't take anything she says personally. I don't want her to lose a friend because of her mood swings.


I sighed, tossing the paper back. Guilt washed over me like a tsunami. I placed my head down on the table, resting my forehead on my forearms. My body shook as I took in a deep breath trying to hold back the sobs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sit down next to me.

"Luna, bunny come here," I heard Draco say. He cautiously placed a hand on my back. 

I looked up at him, tears rolling down my face. He frowned and closed my book, grabbing it. Draco stood up and helped me up.

"Let's go study in our room." He wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me against his side as we walked out of the room.

 You think that was bad. Try getting on my nerves when I am a ticking time bomb on that time of the month. Poor Professor Flitwick learned that the hard way.

"Miss. Snape, did you complete your homework?"  

I scoffed."No, I was to busy focusing on the tournament to worry about some stupid charms homework." 

Flitwick narrowed his eyes. "That is no way to talk to me and no excuse, don't make me call your father."

"CALL HIM! I DON'T CARE! I WON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT CHARMS IF I DIE!" I screamed. The waterworks erupted. I laid my head down and started sobbing. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I repeated over and over again. Draco rubbed my back soothingly.

"Professor, Luna hasn't been feeling the greatest. All of the stress is getting to her. I'm sure if her mind was clear right now, she wouldn't've screamed or not do her homework," Draco clarified. The entire class was watching silently.

"Understandable. Miss. Snape, since you have always done good in the class and this is your first incident. You get a warning; next time I won't be so generous."

 Draco living with me and having all of the same classes has gotten used to me blowing up. I remember the first time I blew up.

Draco laid on the bed reading while I sat on the couch reading about the tournament. I heard him sigh and place his book on the nightstand.

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