Chapter 42

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The next morning I woke up to Draco watching me.

"Stop being a creep," I mumbled, rolling onto my side.

"You feeling better?" Draco asked, kissing my temple. I hummed. He kept kissing my head.


"Why is this bothering you?" He asked, placing kisses all over my face. I pushed him away and ran. "Where are you going? And shouldn't you put on actual clothes and shoes?"

Slipping on a pair of flip flops, I looked down at my pajamas.

"Its Saturday, I'm good." I walked out of my room and regretted it. A blast of freezing cold air attacked my skin. Draco opened the door and handed my Slytherin robe before putting his on. "Thanks."

I kept my robe closed to keep in heat as we walked to the Great hall. Draco led me over to the table. I sat down next to a Slytherin I have never met before. He looked over and smiled at me.

"Hey there.  I'm Adrian, Luna, right?"

 I nodded. "Yeah, nice to meet you, Adrian."

"So, are you going to watch the match today against Gryffindor?"


"You get to watch my amazing skills."

 I chuckled. "Sure."

"It'll give me confidence knowing your beautiful face will be in the crowd."

 I froze. Draco leaned closer, not knowing what we were talking about. 

"I'm gonna go get changed into my quidditch uniform." I nodded even though I didn't want him to go. He stood up and jogged out of the hall. I was left alone with Adrian.

"So what are you doing after the quidditch match? Care to join me at the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer?" He picked up a piece of my hair and started messing with it. I scooted away but he moved closer.

"Uh- I have plans."

"That's okay, maybe another time. Or we could hang out before the match."

 I looked around, hoping someone would notice. Blaise walked in and looked at me. I made eye contact and sent him a help look. He walked over and sat down across from us.

"Hey, Pucey." Adrian ignored him. "Are you ready for the match?" No response.

"Come on beautiful, lets head up to my room." 

I kept scooting back but he kept scooting with me.

"No. Please stop."

"It'll be fun." I ran into another person. Adrian placed a hand on my leg.

"STOP! JUST STOP!" I shouted, standing up. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched.

"Whats wrong?" Draco appeared behind me. I grabbed him in a hug.

"He won't stop touching and flirting with me," I mumbled. Pucey stood up. He and Draco were around the same height.

"You flirting with my girl?" Draco let me go and walked towards the boy.

"Maybe? What are you going to do about it, Malfoy? Go tell your daddy?" 

Draco growled. He literally growled like a dog.  "Shut it! Don't ever talk to her again, don't touch her, don't look at her. Don't even breath around her! You got it? Or I will beat your ass!"  

Adrian smirked. "Face it, Malfoy, I'm better. I'm better looking, better quidditch player. You can even beat Potter and his weak ass." 

I gasped as Draco pulled his arm back and landed a right hook onto Pucey's nose.

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