Chapter 29

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I woke up on June 5th earlier than usual. It was Draco's birthday and I planned something special. George had told me how to get into the kitchens, so last night, I snuck down to talk to the house elves.

I followed George's instructions to get into the kitchens. Slowly opening the door, I walked in, causing hundreds of eyes turned towards me. They scurried forward.

"Miss! How can we help you?"

"What can we do you for you?"

"Would you like some tea or food?"

"Woah, Woah! Hey! Oh my god, you all so cute." They all quieted down. "I was wondering if it was possible if you guys could help me out with a birthday surprise for my boyfriend?" They all nodded and agreed. "Breakfast in bed?"

The house elves immediately were discussing what to make. After a few minutes, they stopped talking and turned back to me.

"Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, side of bacon and potatoes?" A house elf spoke up.

I hummed. "Damn, that sounds amazing. You're making me hungry!"

They cheered, scurrying about to grab a variety of small foods. A minute later, I was being handed a small basket of snacks.

"Thank you all." I walked towards the door. "I'll be back in the morning before breakfast is served. Also, the food is amazing! Keep up the great work!" Before the door shut, I saw happiness fill the elves' eyes.

I quickly threw on my shoes and put on my Slytherin robe, before quietly walking out of the room. Draco stayed fast asleep. I tip-toed down the stairs, making sure I didn't make too much noise. Quickly making my way to the kitchens, I wrapped my robe around my body tighter. The morning air nipped at my skin as I scurried down the sparse hallways. I entered into the kitchen and shut the door behind me. The house elves greeted me. A handful of them walked forward while the rest continued making breakfast.

"Morning, Miss. We have your breakfast ready. We also put a pitcher of pumpkin juice on the tray," One said as a tray floated towards me.

There were two plates of waffles, bacon, and potatoes with two glasses and a pitcher. I smiled as a house elf placed a red rose onto the tray.

"Thank you! Draco is going to love this. My mouth is watering just looking at it." I walked out after wishing the elves farewell.

The tray was bewitched to follow me, so I didn't have to carry it. As I was walking, I spotted Harry and Ron walking. They were whispering to each other. Harry noticed me first. Ron, on the other hand, noticed the food.

"Luna! What are you doing walking around so early?" My little brother asked, while his friend stared at the food.

"Just got a birthday surprise for Draco," I said gesturing to the tray.

Ron snapped out of his gaze. "You know how to get into the kitchens?"

I nodded. "George told me."

"What! He told you and not his own brother! And why would he tell you in the first place? Did you tell him why you needed to get into the kitchen?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. I told him I want to surprise my boyfriend with breakfast in bed on his birthday."

The two looked at me confused.

"Boyfriend? You're dating Draco?" Harry asked in disbelief.

It was my turn to look confused. We haven't hidden anything since we returned from winter break. It was kind of obvious. I guess I got the brains of our mother and he got her eyes.

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