Chapter 13

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Luna's POV

A few days later, I was sitting on the Hogwarts express, resting my head on Draco's shoulder. The door opened and Crabbe and Goyle walked in. This time with two new people.

"Zabini!" Draco greeted shaking the boys hand.

Behind him was a girl with black hair, making gooey eyes at Draco. I chuckled to myself.

"Here," I said, sitting up.

I was sitting in the window seat with my feet next to me, taking up most of the seat. Draco started pouting as I sat up, squishing as close as I could to the wall. Draco quickly slid next to me, putting his arm on the back of the seat. Crabbe and Goyle sat across from us. The girl walked in as Zabini sat down next to Draco.

"Hey Draco," She flirtatiously said, twirling a piece of hair.

"Hey Parkinson," He replied blankly.

She looked at the only open spot in between Crabbe and Goyle. They smiled at her as she sat down. Parkinson looked uncomfortable, almost disgusted to sit there.

I leaned up. "What are these two's names?" I whispered.

"Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson," He replied.

I nodded before returning my head to his shoulder. I closed my eyes as his hand found mine. Sometimes we act more like a couple than friends. A blush slowly crept up as I thought of that idea. I sighed away the idea as I nuzzled my head more comfortable. Draco talked with everyone as sleep took me away.

I woke up hours later to my pillow moving. Wait, pillows dont move.

"Luna. We are here," Draco softly side, shaking my shoulder.

I groaned, opening my eyes. "But I wanna sleep!"

He smiled and grabbed my hands, standing me up. Luckily, I wore my robes to the station, so I didn't have to worry about changing. We walked over to the carriages.

"Oh yeah, I'm trying out for the quidditch team," Draco spoke, breaking the silence.

"Really? Thats awesome! What position are you trying out for or hoping for?"

Draco thought for a moment. "Seeker."

I laughed. "Just so you can beat Harry?"

Draco smirked. "You know me too well."

He placed a hand on my back as we jumped into a carriage and waited to be taken to the castle.

"Cmon, I'm starving," I impatiently whined.

Draco pulled me closer as the wind whipped against our faces. He chuckled as I cheered when then cart started moving. Everyone huddled closer to one another to keep warm. Draco wrapped his robe around me the best he could as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Parkinson start glaring at me. Someone has a crush on a certain blondy.

We eventually arrived at the castle. I waited till everyone got out of the carriage before jumping out. Draco caught me, lowering me to the ground. I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the castle, running. We left everyone in the dust. Draco laughed as I weaved through the crowds to the Slytherin table. My father already sat at the staff table. He smiled at me as he saw me pulling Draco to a bench.  I sat impatiently watching people file in.  Once everyone was seated, the first years came trotting in.  They were sorted before Dumbledore gave a speech. He introduced the new DADA professor. Lockheart was his name. He is some author that all of the girls made googly eyes at him. Well, not every girl. I certainly was not. A few others looked boredly up at the new teacher.  Then my favorite part of the speech came up.

"Let the feast begin!"

I smiled swiveling around to face to the food that was appearing up from the table. I started piling food. I had missed breakfast, this was the first time I would be eating. Technically, this is my breakfast. I ate in silence while everyone around me talked about their summer. Crabbe snapped me out of inhaling my food.

"What did you do this summer, Crow?"

I swallowed the delicious chicken. "I went to America and visited my old friend and cousins over there. I went to concerts, festivals and dyed my hair." 

Him and Goyle nodded. Parkinson sneered at me.

"I bet all of those things were with muggles." She spat.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why yes, they were. 100%. A+ for Miss. Parkinson!"

Draco laughed. Her sneer turned into a glare. I smirked before turning back to my food.

"Fatass," She loudly exclaimed.

The whole room went silent. My head snapped towards her so fast, I thought i would break my neck.

"What did you just call me?"

Parkinson smirked. "Fatass. You're over here stuffing your face like a dog."

"At least I don't look like a dog. Pugface."

She gasped and stood up. "You wanna go, Crow?" Parkinson tried to look intimidating.

I looked over at Draco who was trying to hold back laughter.

"Are you being serious? I could take you down in one punch," I spat, standing up as well.  I saw my father inch forward, ready to run over if necessary.

Parkinson snorted. "Lets see you try." She climbed out from the table and walked around. Everyone watched, not doing anything, not even the teachers. They looked like they were watching their favorite TV show. Well, except Snape. He looked worried.

"Luna, dont. You'll get in trouble. She's just trying to provoke you." Draco stepped in. I smiled down at him.

"Dont worry. If the teachers were going to do something, they would have already. Plus I don't care if I get in trouble."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Parkinson getting irritated. She reached up and pulled my hair, so my head to turned to look at her. My fist swung and landed on her nose.

"AHH, YOU ARSEHOLE!" She screamed holding her nose. Everyone gasped and/or winced.

"That all you got?"

She glared and lunged at me. I quickly side stepped her. She landed face first into the ground. I turned and walked towards the doors, but I was stopped. Parkinson stunned me. I flew to the ground.


Footsteps pounded up next to me. I was rolled onto my back. Draco knelt next to me. His face full of worry.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Peachy keen jellybean." I smiled widely up at him.

He chuckled softly before helping me up. Sev walked up to us.

"Luna are you okay?" He asked quietly.

I nodded. "I'm fine. I need to talk to Parkinson though."

They both looked at me skeptically. I walked over to the glaring girl. I fake smiled. She looked at me confused for a split moment before my fist landed down on her face a second time. She stumbled back and to the ground. The momentum knocked her head back and she was knocked out. I swirled around, just like my father does, and walked out of the Great Hall. People cheered and some ran up to the girl laying on the floor. Draco ran after me.

"Luna, wait!" He called. I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"That was amazing!" He breathed out when he caught up. 

"You didn't run that far, why are you out of breath?"

"No clue."

I flung an arm around his shoulder. His arm automatically went around my waist. I leaned on him as we walked.

"This has been a wonderful way to start the year."


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