Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning alone. My mind raced with the memories of last night. I reached up and touched my lips where only hours ago Draco's lips were. Smiling, I stretched, popping my tense back and shoulders. I didn't need to be excused from classes today but I'm glad to have a few extra hours of sleep. The bed room door opened and Draco walked in.

"Morning." I made my awake self present. Draco looked over at me and smiled.

"Finally, you're awake," He teased.

"What time is it?"

"Its around 10. You fell asleep right after dueling club and stayed asleep the rest of the day and all night. I don't know how well you are going to be able to sleep tonight." 

My eyes widened. "That long? Huh, I must have fallen asleep feeling safe and warm." The words slipped from my lips.

 Draco blushed. "Is that how I make you feel?" 

The tops of my ears started to get warm in slight embarrassment.

"Um yeah." I looked down. 

I could feel Draco's intense gaze on me. He cleared his throat.

"Well, thanks I guess? I don't really know how to respond to that." 

I let out a loud laugh.  

Draco scoffed. "Are you laughing at me?"

I nodded, wrapping my arms around my stomach, still laughing. The bed creaked under his weight as  Draco moved to hover over me. He smiled down at me. 

"What makes you think you have the right to laugh at me?" 

I shrugged, calming down. I took a deep breath and smiled up at him. 

He raised an eyebrow. "No answer? Hmm, shame."

Draco sat back on my thighs, so he was straddling me. His hands started attacking my side. I screamed in laughter.

"Draco! Stop! Please!" I laughed, my hands trying to push his away.

"Say you're sorry for laughing at me."

"Never!" He kept on tickling.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to pee my pants!"

Draco immediately stopped. I stared up at him, smiling. Draco leaned down and rested his forehead on mine. I pushed a piece of loose hair behind his ear. We both started leaning in but a kiss never happened. I once was warm, next thing I know, Draco is out the door, leaving me in shock. I sat up as the door clicked shut. My arms gave out from underneath me as I flopped back down. 

Why didn't he kiss me again? Was last night a mistake? Did he not feel the same way I did? Is our friend ship ruined?

"SHUT UP!" My conscience yelled.

"Did ever think about if he knows how he feels? If he knows that he likes you? If his father has a hard time showing emotion, he might too." 

True. But why would he kiss me if he didn't know how he felt? Did he not like the kiss? Maybe he didn't feel anything?


 Okay then. I did feel a headache coming on. My stomach grumbled in hunger. I sat up and noticed a tray of food on the desk. Draco must have brought it in. I got up and walked over. A note was place underneath a fork.


Here is some breakfast. I didn't know when you are getting up so hopefully this is still warm. Even though Snape excused us from class, I still went.

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