Chapter 31

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That night, Laura and Dan brought up another mattress for Draco to sleep on. We sat on my bed, talking while they brought it up. They placed the bed on the floor and tossed us sheets and blankets.

"Anything else?" Laura asked. We shook our heads. The two walked out.

"You can take the bed back downstairs, we are going to end up sharing one anyways," I whispered.  Draco laughed.

June 29th

Draco and I sat on the couch watching youtube videos. I placed my head on his shoulder.

"I'm bored," I whined, stretching my legs.

 He thought for a moment. "What is there to do around here?" He asked.

"Nothing. This city is boring." I plainly said, moving my head to his lap, so I was looking up at him.

 He stroked my hair, thinking. "Any ice cream places or parks?" He asked. My eyes widened. Shooting up, I grabbed my phone.  I dialed a number, putting the device up to my ear.

"Devin, can you come over? We are going to walk to the ice cream shop then to our hangout"

"Lemme ask."  A few grumbles later, Devin came back. "I'll be over in 10."

 I hung up. "Devin will be over here in 10, then we are taking you on a usual Devin and Luna trip." 

We didn't bother changing out of our pajamas.  I was wearing red and black pajama shorts with a black tank top. Draco was wearing black basketball shorts and a white shirt.  Devin showed up in black skinnies and a muscle tank.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked. We nodded and put on our shoes. The three of us walked to the ice cream parlor.

"How much did they give us?" I asked. Draco pulled out his wallet.

"400..." I sighed and facepalmed.

"I dont know why we need so much."

 Devin laughed. "Well, you never know. You might want to go on a Hot Topic shopping spree." 

I nodded. "True."  

We walked in silence the rest of the way there.  Draco held open the door for us.

"Thank you, Malfoy."

"Thanks, Dray." 

We walked up to the counter.

"What would you like?" The worker asked.

"One scoop M&M in a waffle cone," Devin ordered. I looked up at the board of the freshly made ice cream.

"Do you want to share one? I'm not really hungry," Draco asked. I nodded. "You choose whats best."

"And you?"

"Uhh- cookies and cream, two scoops in a bowl please." 

Devin grabbed a handful of napkins while Draco and I paid. I grabbed the ice cream. We walked outside and got soda out of vending machine. It was a lot cheaper than buying one inside.

"Okay, now where too?" Draco asked.

"To our old elementary school." 

We walked back to my house but continued walking on past.

"All of those stairs at school are a paying off," I said.

 Draco laughed. "We walk about 1000 cases of stairs a day." 

Devin chuckled.  "I'd rather do that than gym class." 

I nodded. "Yeah." 

We arrived at the park shortly after.

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