Chapter 40

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 Two weeks flew past in a blink of an eye. I ran excitedly into the hospital wing. Snape told me that the brew was complete and after classes, I could take it. Madame Pompfrey smiled at me.  She stood up and poured a clumpy liquid into a cup. I stared at it disgusted. I really had to drink that?

Madame Pompfrey handed me the cup. I pinched my nose and downed it, chewing what needed to be chewed. My head started to feel heavy as I set down the cup. I stumbled back, trying to regain balance. Madame ran up and sat me down on a bed. I groaned, holding my head.

"It's going to be okay." 

A few minutes later of my head feeling terrible, everything went black. My memories started flashing. The first time I met my brother, the sorting, Draco and I joking in our dorm. Then memories of the summer between first and second year. Dying my hair, Devin and I laughing so hard I fell off the bed. Second-year memories flashed. Quidditch and Harry, Draco and I's kiss.  After, the summer memories came to my mind, Draco's first time at my cousin's house. Third-year started. The only memories that flashed were Draco and me on the train. The way he held me when the dementor walked past the compartment. It only showed me the good memories.

All I saw was black before shooting upright. I gasped for air like I was just revived. Madame Pompfrey looked at me nervously. 

I smiled. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I hugged her before running out. I ran to Snape's office. Draco usually gives the password to the Slytherin dorms, but with what happened, he hasn't gotten the chance too. I burst into the room. His head snapped up.

"It worked!" I ran up and hugged him. "I remember everything!"

 He chuckled and hugged me back. "Did you tell Draco yet?" He asked. 

I shook my head. "He is in his dorm and I don't know the password." 

He told me the password before I zoomed off. I threw open the common room door, scaring some first years. I smiled at them before running up the stairs to Draco's dorm. I slowed down and knocked on the door. 

"Come in," Draco's voice croaked. I slowly opened the door to reveal Draco and Blaise talking. Draco had tears in his eyes.

"Draco, you will get through this, she will remember soon."

"Blaise, can I speak to Draco alone please?" I sweetly asked. 

The boy nodded and walked out. 

Draco smiled at me, wiping his eyes. "Whats up bunny?"

 I ran and jumped on him. I smashed my lips onto his. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed back. I tangled my fingers in his hair as our lips moved in sync.  

"I remember,"  I mumbled, my lips still against his. 

He gasped. "You do?"

 I nodded and kissed him again. Draco pulled me as close as possible, deepening the kiss. 

"I've missed you." He panted as he pulled away.

"I've missed you too, even though neither of us went anywhere. I know what you mean. You've missed the me who knows what happened the past years."  

Draco smiled, running a hand through my hair, resting it on the back of my neck.

"Have you told Harry?"

I shook my head. "I wanted to tell you first."

"And tackle me?" 

I giggled. "I didn't plan that." We sat in silence, just staring at each other. The only noise was our heavy breaths. "I should probably go tell Harry." 

"Yeah. I'll come with." Draco lifted me off of him, standing up. 

I grabbed his hands and we walked out of the dorm. When we got to the common room, Blaise was talking with Goyle.

"Hey Zabini, thank you. You were correct," Draco called out. 

Blaise turned around and smiled. "No problem dude." He nodded at me. "Luna."

"Sup. Hey, I got my memories back." 

Blaise stood up and hugged me. "Congratulations...I guess." I

 laughed. "Thanks...I guess. We are gonna go tell my brother, wherever the fuck he is." 

The two boys chuckled.

"Let's go find him." 

The three of us walked out of the Slytherin dorms.

"Hopefully we run into a Gryffindor that knows where he is," I mumbled, as we walked towards the Gryffindor tower. We were almost there when I saw someone.

"Nevile!" I shouted.

He jumped, frightened by my shout. "Y-yeah?"

"Do you know where Harry is?"

"I believe he is with Ron and Hermione down at Hagrid's." 

I smiled. "Thanks! Have a good day!" 

I led the two towards Hagrid's. We were just exiting the castle when we ran into the three.

"Harry! I remember!" 

"Yay!" He shouted, picking me and spinning. When he set me down, I stumbled back into Ron.

"Woah, don't want to have it happen again," He said before catching me.

"Thanks." I walked back over to Draco.

"What are you going to do to celebrate?" Hermione asked. 

"I dont know...nap." I shrugged.

"Have you owled you godparents yet?" Harry asked, glancing up at Draco. 


"Wait...did you even tell Devin?" Draco slowly asked.

 I turned to face him as realization sunk in.

"HE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" I exclaimed, before running off. Draco laughed. I stopped and turned back. "They are going to kill you too for not telling." Draco thought about it for a moment before dashing after me.

"Have a good day!"  Hermione yelled after us.

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