Chapter 59

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March approached very quickly. Every day after the second task people would non-stop badgering me about what happened in the lake. I told everyone the truth while Harry on the other hand after awhile started twisting it to seem adventurous. 

As I walked to Potions class, I noticed a group of Slytherins and the golden trio talking. What did Draco do now?

"What is this?" Ron asked, as Hermione read a magazine. I walked up and read it over her shoulder

"She's really ugly," says Pansy Parkinson...

I stopped reading. No one has noticed me yet.

"Hey, Parkinson, how about I reintroduce you to my fist? You two haven't spoken in awhile." I made myself known. Hermione looked back at me before moving. Everyone took a step back.

"Snape...what are you doing here?"

"I fucking go to school here." 

She glared. "That's-"

"I know that's not what you meant. As a student here I attend classes. This is one of my classes," I spoke to her like she was a child. 

The girl's glare intensified.  Draco smiled at me. I took the magazine from Hermione and kept reading. One part made my eyes widened. I rolled up the reading material.


She laughed. "I was going too!"

"Babe, it's not nice to hit people," Draco teased. I looked over at him and playfully glared, hitting him on the head.

"Bad, Draco. No, tell me to stop hitting people, its what I do best!"  I hit him lightly on the cheek with the magazine before going over to Pansy. She took a step back. I leaned in real close.

"You apologize to Hermione or I punch you." The girl started trembling. I raised an eyebrow before looking back at the three and Draco. "Are you scared me?"

"I-i'm sorry, G-Granger," Pansy stuttered. 

I smiled sweetly. "There! How hard was that?" 

My father walked out. "What are you all doing?" 

I looked at him. "QUICK HIDE THE DRUGS!" I yelled. 

He shook his head and looked over at me. "Get in class!" He turned around, walking back in.

"Luna is my only drug," Draco mumbled. 

I smiled and looked at him. "Awe. The drug in me is you!" 

He looked at me and curled his lips in. "" He slowly said. 

I smiled widely. "Same!" I skipped into class.

"That girl is going to be the death of me." 

I smiled to myself as I sat down in my seat. After everyone was in, Snape explained what we would be doing today before letting us work.

A few minutes into class there was a knock on the door.

"I heard a knock upon my door the other day. I opened it to find death staring me in the face. The feel of mortal stalking still reverberates. Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case." I sang loudly. Everyone turned to look at me as Karkaroff entered the room.

"Uh-Luna, I'll talk to you about that later...Karkaroff, can I help you?"

"I need to talk to you."

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