Chapter 46

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I was stuck in the back between Harry and Dudley. My arms tight against my side and hands resting in my lap. I awkwardly messed with my fingers as everyone was lost in their own thought.

"So, Luna. How long have you and your boyfriend been together?" Petunia broke the silence.

"Over a year. We got together last Christmas." 

She nodded. "Well, we are here. Luna, you will be sharing a room with Harry. Unless he goes back to his old room." Vernon put the car into park. 

Harry's old room would be the cupboard. "Nope, that's fine. He doesn't need to go back to his old room, or should I say old cupboard," I firmly stated, before climbing out of the car after Harry.

 The Dursleys exchanged surprised looks before getting out of the car. Harry and I walked to the boot of the car and opened it. I held onto Hedwig's cage as he lifted his trunk out. I gave Crow to my father since I knew It would be okay for me to use Hedwig. The cute owl loved to deliver letters. Plus, now the Dursleys couldn't lock her up in her cage. If they did, I would either pick the lock or find the key. No animal should be locked up in a small cage for months. Especially not a bird.

Harry took Hedwig for me so I could get out my trunk and bag. We had stopped quickly at my house so I could grab a few things. I shut the boot door before following Harry up to the door. Vernon unlocked the door and let us inside. My eyes scanned the walls as I walked in.

"You have a lovely home," I complimented, not sure what else to say. It looked like a typical stuck- up wanna be perfect family home.

"Why thank you dear." Petunia smiled proudly. "Harry, why don't you show Luna to where she will be staying?" My brother nodded, leading me upstairs. He opened the door to a room and walked inside. I followed, putting my trunk off to the side, next to the door.

"Nice room."

"Thanks. Why is this so awkward?"

"I don't know. Probably because I'm being so polite and not talking back. Well, that's for me anyway."

Harry chuckled. "It is strange, hearing you be so polite."

I smirked. "You should hear me at the Malfoys. They can't do anything without me saying a sarcastic and sassy response. But usually I get one back, so..."

"I can't imagine the Malfoys being sarcastic. Well maybe Draco's mother, I don't know her that much."

 I smiled. "Narcissa's hilarious. She puts Lucius in his place, which is second under her in the alpha list. Narcissa is the true man of the house."

Harry laughed. "Are they nice when people aren't around?"

 I cackled loudly. "Oh yes, they let loose when I'm around. The first night I had dinner there, It was hilarious. My father was also there. He and Lucius are best friends. They were sassing Draco and me."

Harry smiled."He makes you happy... Draco?" 

My lips curled upwards at the thought of my boyfriend.


"Do you love him?"

The question made me freeze. Did I? I went through the list of symptoms of love that I read about in stories.

"I-I-I think so. Yeah- I love him."

"Say it louder for the people in the back!" Harry cheered.

I laughed. "I love Draco Lucius Malfoy!"

"Wait his middle name is Lucius?" I nodded. "How self-centered can his father get?"

I choked on air before laughing. I fell backward on the bed, clutching my stomach. Harry chuckled at me.

Dudley walked in. "What is all the ruckus?" 

I curled my lips in, trying to not laugh. I looked at my cousin before at Harry. As soon as my eyes landed on my brother, I started laughing again.

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