Chapter 32

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When Draco and I got back to England, he went with his family and I went with Snape. Narcissa and Lucius freaked out about the red ends of his hair, but I promised it should come out by the time school starts. The rest of the summer was spent with Sev and hanging out at home, doing random things. The only time I unpacked was to do laundry, otherwise, my clothes stayed in my trunk. Everything went right back into my trunk. 

I ran into Kings Cross, pushing my cart. Muggles stared at me as I zoomed past. I started slowing down when I reached the gate. My eyes wondered over everyone rushing, casually turned my cart to the side and walked right into the wall. After dropping my trunk and Crow off, I climbed onto the train. Students were reconnecting with friends as I pushed past. Before we went our separate ways, Draco and I planned to meet up in our usual compartment. I slid open the door, frightening Crabbe and Goyle. Draco's head snapped up.

"Luna," He breathed out. 

I smiled and jumped onto his lap. Crabbe stood up and shut the door behind me, as Draco wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.


Draco kissed my nose. I giggled, scrunching up my nose.

"Hey there," He said, moving hair from my face. I looked at his hair to see if any red was left. My eyes widened. The fucker got a haircut.

"Holy shit! When did you do this?" I asked, reaching up and messing with a strand. 

He laughed. "A week ago. My mother was so nervous that the red wouldn't come out so she took me to get it cut off." 

I smiled. "Sounds like her." 

Draco let out a breathy chuckle. "Does it look nice at least?" 

"Yeah! It looks awesome. Very handsome."

"I know," Draco sassily said.

 I shook my head and facepalmed.  "You are so full of yourself."

Draco shot me a goofy half smile. I looked over at the two sitting awkwardly across from us as I cuddled into Draco more.

"How was your guys' summer?" 

The two looked taken aback at my politeness.

"Good, thank you," Crabbe responded.

"Nice, how was yours?" Goyle inquired slowly.


"That's nice." 

The door slid open just as the train took off. Blaise Zabini walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Hello everyone." He said, sitting down next to Draco. 

"Hey, Zabini," Draco greeted.

Goyle and Crabbe nodded at him. I could see Blaise look at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I don't think we have ever introduced ourselves, or whatever the proper way to say that is, and talked." I laughed sitting up. 

The boy looked over at me and thought. "I don't think so either. Anyway, I'm Blaise Zabini, nice to meet you." He held out his hand.

"Luna... Snape. Nice to meet you too." 

We shook hands.

"Ah yes. I forgot my father revealed your big life secret last year," Draco joked.

"Yes, but I immediately forgave him because he got me tickets to see Motionless. Plus, now I dont have to worry about saying the right name. I can freely say my real name. I AM LUNA SNAPE!" I shouted the last sentence, spreading my arms out, before collapsing back into Draco's chest, causing everyone to laugh. 

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