Chapter 51

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Thursday rolled around and it was time for our first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Draco and I trudged up the stairs to the classroom, not wanting to go to class.  Moody was up front getting set up while everyone piled in. Draco and I walked to the far left side of the room and sat down.  Blaise ran up to us.

"I heard that we are going to learn the unforgivable curses!" 

Draco's eyes widened. "Where did you hear that?"

"I heard some Ravenclaws talk about it. They had this class earlier this week."

"Okay, person here who did not grow up around magic, what the bloody hell are unforgivable curses?"

"You will learn about them shortly, Snape." Professor Moody announced from the front of the room. I looked at the two Slytherins in shock.

"How did he hear you? Also, you are becoming more and more British," Draco whispered.

"Well, Malfoy, she has been living here in England for how many years? Plus goes to school around brits. It's understandable why she is picking up slang and the accent," Moody informed.

 Blaise slammed his hand on the table. "Would you butt out of our conversation!" He shouted. 

The classroom was almost full. Everyone turned to watch as Moody limped over to us. His prosthetic leg clunking every other step. He got in Blaise's face. I could see the nervousness on the boy's face.

"Watch your mouth, Zabini. Don't want to have the same fate as your friend, do you? I think you would make a nice skunk!"

Draco and I glared at the man as he walked back to the front of the room.

"Put your books away, you won't be needing them!" He pulled out the class list. Once he was finished with attendance, he stood up.

"Professor Lupin sent me a letter with everything that you have covered. Now It seems that you are behind on curses.  I'm going to catch you up on what wizards can do to each other. I have a year to teach you how to deal with Dark-"

"What? Aren't you staying?" Ron interrupted.  Moody's magical eye stared at Ron before he smiled.

"You'll be Arthur Weasley's son, eh? Your father got me out of a very tight corner a few days ago. I'll be staying just this year. Special favor for Dumbledore, one year and its back to my quiet retirement. On to the lesson. The Ministry of Magic says im supposed to teach you countercurses and that's it, not any of the illegal Dark curses. That is until sixth year when you are old enough to deal with them, they say. Dumbledore reckons you can cope," He looked around the class, eyeing each one of us, "I believe the sooner you know what you're up against the better. Your opponent isn't going to tell you what spell they are going to using. Do any of you know the three curses that are heavily punished by the Ministry?"

Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss...?"

"Granger sir. And they are called the unforgivable curses."

"Thank you, Miss. Granger and you are correct." Moody turned around and started writing on the blackboard. "You should be taking notes!" He boomed when no one was writing. We all jumped and started writing what he was writing.

"Using one of these curses would send you straight to Azkaban! Now, who can tell me one of the curses...FERRET, STAND!" 

Draco and I jumped. I growled when I realized he was talking about Draco. My boyfriend slowly stood up.

"Calm down, Snape. I'm not going to hurt your little boyfriend."

"T-the Imperius Curse, s-s-sir." 

Moody grin wickedly at Draco. "Your father would know all about the Imperius curse...wouldn't he?" He said tauntingly.

 Draco gulped and sat back down. I immediately grabbed his hand and held it on my lap, rubbing my thumb against his soothingly. Moody turned to the jars next to him and got out a large black spider. He pointed his wand at the creature.


He started controlling the spider. We watched amazed. He hung it over Ron's head who froze. Then over another Gryffindor. Draco chuckled slightly.

"You think this is funny?" He asked Crabbe who was almost rolling with laughter. Moody swung the spider around and in front of his face. It was dangling from the boy's nose. Goyle tried to get it off him. Moody moved it in front of me. I stared at the creature with a blank face.

"Nothing, Snape?"

"It's slightly cute." I shrugged reaching out and rubbed a finger down the spiders back. It felt weird. Not one can say they have pet a spider that was magically dangling in front of them. Moody growled and moved away from me, irritated that he didn't scare me. Everyone stared shocked, mostly Ron.

"What shall I have her do next? Jump out the window." The spider clawed up the window before being removed and dangled over a bucket of water. "Drown herself?" Moody slowly moved the spider back to his hand.

"Another one?" 

Hands rose up into the air.

"Longbottom is it?" 

Nevile nodded, standing up. "The Cruciatus Curse..." He mumbled clear enough for everyone to hear.

"Ah yes, the Cruciatus Curse. Crucio!" 

The spider spasmed and flinched, whining in pain. Everyone was silently watching in horror. Nevile gripped his desk tightly, clenching his eyes tightly. I stood up.


Moody stopped and looked over at Nevile who was slightly shaking. The professor cleared his throat.

"Miss. Granger, the last one?" Hermione curled her lips in shaking her head. Moody pointed his wand at the spider.

"Avada  Kedavera." 

The spider went stiff as the life was taken away from it. I whimpered scooting closer to Draco who pulled me into a hug. I buried my face into his neck. Slight tears leaked from my eyes as the class stared at the spider silently.

"The killing is unblockable. No is believed to survive it but one person, who is sitting in this room." 

He continued on with class. No one spoke as we took notes. Draco and Blaise walked behind me down the stairs as we exited class. I frowned, noticing Nevile staring out a window. I slowly walked up to him.

"Nevile," I whispered. The boy looked over at me. "Are you alright?" He nodded. 

I pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry he did that." 

Nevile thanked me as we pulled away. I smiled comfortingly, before walking away with the two following.

"That was an interesting class..." Blaise commented, as we walked the hall. 

I chuckled darkly. "Yeah, some class. I can't believe Dumbledore is letting that madman teach us. One of us is going to end up dead by the end of the year."

Oh, little did I know I was going to be right.

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