Chapter 8

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Luna's POV

It was getting close to April. Draco and I hung out everyday. I still haven't told him that Snape was my father. Sev and I had a long conversation after I woke up the next day after detention.  He said that he would reconsider me attending Hogwarts. I didn't come here to get in trouble. After the talk, I didn't feel like facing Draco, who was waiting for me back at the dorm, so I walked around the school. I slowly walked around, looking at each corridor I walked down.

As I was walking past a wall on the seventh floor, dust started falling. I stopped and looked at the wall. A door started appearing.

"Holy shit." I whispered.

I opened the door. It opened up to a large room. In the corner, was a queen bed with a trunk at the end. On the other side, was a desk, wardrobe and bookshelves. Against the back wall, was another door. I walked in more, curious to explore. Was this someone's room? Was I allowed to be here? The door shut behind me and disappeared again. I circled around the room and opened the other door, it was a bathroom. I opened the wardrobe to see if this was someone's room. I pulled out a hanger that caught my eye. The clothes looked familiar. My eyes widened in shock. It was my jacket. I looked at the other clothes. All mine. I heard a pop behind me. I whipped around, frightened by the noise. My pillow I brought with laid on the bed.

Pops ran around the room as all of my stuff started appearing.

"I guess this is mine now!" I shouted. I smiled. "My own room!"

I laid down on the bed. Laying there made me even more tired than I already was. My eyes slowly started closing as sleep took over my body.

My phone alarm rang the next morning. Confused, I sat up and looked around. It didnt look like my dorm. Then I remembered where I was... my new dorm. Looking down, I was already in my uniform, so all I had to do was brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I walked out and to the Great Hall. Draco's head shot up as I entered. I sat down next to him.

"Where were you? What did Snape need to talk to you about?" He fired questions.

"I'll show you were I was before class and Snape needed to talk about me getting in trouble a lot. He threatened to tell my father about the yelling and everything from the beginning of the year."

Draco looked at me skeptically. We ate quickly, before walking out of the hall. My father was walking towards us.

"Morning Miss. Crow, Mr. Malfoy."

"Morning Professor," Draco and I said in unison.

Snape went to walk away but Draco stopped him.

"Professor, may I speak with you and Luna quickly?" He asked.

I looked at him confused. Snape nodded, looking at me with a questioning look. We walked down the hall.

"We need somewhere private to talk," Draco mumbled.

"Perfect, I will show you where I was last night and you can talk to us," I spoke, making them confused.

I led them up to the seventh floor and in front of the wall. The door appeared as I approached. Snape chuckled.

"Luna, looks like you found the room of requirement."

I smiled. "Awesome. I have my own room now!"

Draco pouted.  "You don't want to room with me?" He cried.

"No. Why would anyone want to room with you?" I sassed.

I sassily turned around and walked into my room. Draco started fake sobbing into Snape shoulder without thinking. Once he noticed, he stopped and pulled away.

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