Chapter 6

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Luna's Pov

Sit down and listen up, mothertrucker. This is what you got to do. Steal all of his fancy hair gel and pour it down the sink. Okay? If he bothers you again,  just give him a knuckle sandwich. Get really angry and just sock the fucker. (I want the dets if you do.) I'm sure your father, you know professor Snape, would be glad to pass by and act like he didn't see anything if Malfoy keeps bothering you.

Your owl seems nice. What its name? I really hope you come home for Christmas. Anyway hope you have a good day in England while I'm stuck in idiot America.


I laughe, folding up the letter. My eyes widened in alarm as It was snatched from my hands. If who ever took it, is reading it, they will surely find out Snape is my father.

"Who would be sending you a letter? Who is Devin?" I heard a voice ask. Draco. 

I shot up and reached for the paper. Draco raised it above his head.

"Give it back! Thats none of your business."

Draco smirked. "Who is it from? Your boyfriend?"

"My best friend! I'm actually nice to people unlike some people and have true friends who aren't scared of me."

 Draco's smirk turned into a  glare.  He pulled the letter in front of his face." So you don't mind me reading it in front of the entire school?"

 My eyes widened. That's even worse then Draco finding out Snape is my father.

"Sit down and listen up, mothertru-" Draco spoke loudly. 

I lunged for the letter. I missed it, grabbing his wrist instead. He lost his footing and we both went tumbling to the ground. I landed on top.

"Give me my letter, Draco!"

"No!" I leaned forward trying to grab it. Draco put and hand on my waist, trying to push me off. He succeeded. I was roughly shoved to the side. My back slammed against the concrete floor. I loudly yelped. A chair thrown back as Draco shot up. His face covered in guilt.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" He asked. 

I gritted my teeth and glared. Swiftly, I grabbed my letter and shoved it down my shirt. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my father approaching.

"Mr. Malfoy! Miss. Crow!" 

I laid on the ground in pain. Draco whipped around. His face turned beet red as he remembered we were in the Great Hall. Sev was steaming.

"Detention both of you! I will let the other professors decide how many points will be taken away." He looked back at the head table. Professor McGonagall curly nodded. "While i take, Miss. Crow to the hospital wing." 

The hall was deadly silent as Sev leaned down and scooped me up in his arms. I groaned as my back spasm-ed in pain. Draco looked at me guilty. My father swiftly walked out of the great hall. 

"I wish you weren't in Slytherin. Then you wouldn't have to share a room with Draco and none of this would have happened," He mumbled as he walked. I whimpered slightly, closing my eyes.

"But this would be a great story to tell the kids one day," I joked. "Hey, in my first year of Hogwarts, I was slammed into the concrete floor over a letter on my first day." 

Sev looked down at my un-amused. Slowly a grin took over his face. I smiled.

"There is that smile." 

We reached the hospital wing a short time later.  Madame Pompfrey ran over as we walked in.

"What happened?" She asked.

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