Chapter 26

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The next day was Christmas Eve. I sent a letter to Devin to make sure it would get to there in time. Everyone woke up and ate breakfast before sitting by the fire. Draco and I took up one couch. He leaned in between the armrest and the back of the couch with his feet on the couch. I laid between his legs, against his chest.

"What should we do today?" Narcissa asked. 

Draco shrugged. I looked out the window. An idea popped into my head.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" I shouted, sitting up. Everyone laughed. "I'm being serious! Let's have a snowball fight!" The Malfoy's looked at each other before nodding.

"Sure," Draco agreed.

We all got up and put on cloaks, scarves, hats, and gloves. We all shoved our thick sock covered feet into boots before walking outside. I jogged ahead, down the stairs. Running into the snow, I twirled with my arms out. Giggling, I  almost fell over. Draco quickly caught me.  I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Careful there,"  He said.

I smiled, but that was quickly off my face, when a snowball hit my face. Draco laughed, as my eyes narrowed. I looked over at  Lucius and Narcissa. They were whistling, looking around. I picked up some snow and balled it up, launching the snowball right at Lucius. It hit him in the chest.


I made another snowball and threw it at Narci. She ducked before it hit her. My lips pulled into a smirk.

"My arm spasmed." I shrugged.

They smirked. Draco pulled me behind a tree.

"ADULTS AGAINST KIDS!" Narcissa yelled. 

I squealed as snowballs hit the tree. I bent down and started making snowballs.

"Look for another hideout while I make ammo." 

Draco looked around the giant yard. He froze.

"Luna, I don't see my parents. Stay alert." 

I stood back up and handed Draco some snowballs carefully. I peered around the tree. No one.

"Show yourselves!" I yelled. I heard them giggling.

"Cover me," Draco whispered. 

I nodded. We walked away from the tree. I saw a wisp of blonde behind a bush.

"Draco, bush, 8 o'clock." 

He nodded. "Come on out!" He yelled.

 Something whizzed past his ear and landed next to us.  Both of them stood up and started throwing snow. We fired back. I battled Lucius while Draco battled his mother. I threw a snowball, Lucius dodged it and fired one back. I was too slow. It hit my chest. I faked a hurt scream, falling to the ground. Draco stopped and looked down at me.

"NO! LUNA!" He fell to his knees beside me. He grasped my gloved hand in his. "Stay with me, please!" I smiled weakly.

"You can win this, Dray. Do it for me. I believe in you." I croaked, squeezing his hand. Draco shook his head.

"You are going to be alright."

 His parents watched the scene amused.  Draco placed a feathery kiss on my lips. I let out my "dying" breath and closed my eyes. He started fake sobbing over my body. It took all I had not to smile or laugh. Draco stood up and let out a battle cry. He started launching snow left and right. Lucius and Narcissa's smiled disappeared from their faces and they dodged the snow. Draco was throwing so fast and so much they couldn't make ammo. Narcissa screamed when she was hit in the shoulder. She fell to the ground.

"NARCI!" Lucius yelled. Draco evilly laughed.

"Just you and me, father." Draco spat. 

Lucius playfully glared. "You're going down, son." 

They started circling each other. Draco fired the first shot. They tossed at each other for a minute. Draco threw one final shot. It soared through the air. Finally, it hit Lucius in the stomach. He stumbled back and fell to the ground. Draco cheered, lifting me off the ground. I laughed, wrapping my arms around him.

"WE WON!" He stumbled over his feet and we went tumbling to the ground. Draco landed on top of me.  I smiled up at him.

"You did it," I said.

Draco smiled and moved a piece of hair behind my ear. "We did it," He whispered ,before kissing me.

  kissed back, pulling him closer. Before it could go too far, Lucius jumped on top of us.

"Doggy pile!" He shouted, pulling Narcissa down with him

. Draco laughed, nestled his head into my neck. I felt his cold cheeks and nose against my skin.

"TIS KINDA COLD OUT!" I shouted feeling, even more mud soak into my leggings. 

They got off of me. Draco helped me up. I grimace as we walked inside, feeling the wet, dirty fabric rub against my legs.

"Everyone change. Dobby, make us some hot cocoa!" Lucius shouted.

The small house elf appeared. "Yes, master. Right away master."

"Thanks, Dobby!" I said, before running up the stairs. Everyone stared at me.

"Strange one, she is," Narcissa spoke, walking up the stairs.

I ran into my room, grabbing a new pair of underwear and sweatpants. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While the water was warming up, I stripped and turned on some music.


I rinsed off any mud and let the water run over me. Once the I was warmed up a bit, I got out and put on my pants. I folded the towel in half, hot dog way, and wrapped around my upper half. I made sure everything was covered before running to Draco's room. I knocked on his door, holding the towel up. Draco opened the door. His eyes went wide when he took in my appearance.

"Babe, can I borrow a sweatshirt?" He nodded but didn't move. "Draco?" I snapped my fingers in front of his face.


He jumped. "What?"

"Can I borrow a sweatshirt?"

"Oh! yeah." He walked over to his closet and pulled out a plain black hoodie. Draco handed it to me and just stared.

"You gonna turn around?" 

He nodded and swiveled around. I also turned around and dropped the towel. Quickly putting on the hoodie, I tossed my hair up.


Draco and I turned back to face each other.

"We should head downstairs."

 I nodded. Draco ran up and grabbed my hand. We walked downstairs and into the sitting room. Lucius and Narcissa were cuddled up on a couch. Draco and I sat down and I leaned into his side. Dobby brought us our hot cocoa. I bought the cup to my lips and took a swig. I sighed, feeling the hot liquid slide down my throat.

"It's delicious, Dobby. Thanks." 

The house elf nodded before disapparating. Draco took a drink of his. Foam covered his top lip. I laughed.

"You got foam, here." I leaned forward and kissed the foam off. He smiled at me. Draco leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"You know your lips are blue. Maybe I can help warm them up."

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