Chapter 39

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I had no trouble with classes up until Transfiguration. 

Draco and I walked into the classroom. I read the chalkboard.

Pop quiz

"Haha, you have to do a pop quiz!" I teased, taking out the note Madame Pompfrey gave me. She gave me a note to show the teachers if I needed to. If there was a test or a quiz that would require knowledge of the past couple of days or years. Draco groaned as he sat down. I walked up to McGonagall's desk. She looked up at me over her glasses.

"Yes, Miss. Snape?"

"Um-I dont know if you are aware, I had an accident and hit my head  pretty hard." I handed over the note. "I have amnesia. I don't remember anything from school."  

The professor read the note and looked up at me. "Okay, start reading chapter one of the textbook and take notes while everyone takes the quiz."

 She handed back the note. I smiled and walked to my seat. Draco looked over at me as I sat down.

"What did she say?"

"I need to read the textbook and take notes," I said, getting out my book and parchment. 

Draco sighed. "I wish the roles were switched." 

I frowned. "I don't. I don't think I could handle you not remembering me. If we had know each other as long as I was told, I would be in tears thinking of all of the memories we shared, that only I could remember. How are you handling this so well?"  

"I don't know. I have faith in Madame Pompfrey that she will come up with the brew. It could also be the fact that you haven't pushed me away yet."

"You are handling this great. You are being so strong." I grasped his hand in mine. 

He smiled at me, bringing our conjoined hands up to his lips.  Hesitantly, Draco placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand. 

Once everyone arrived,  McGonagall started class.

"Today we will have a pop quiz. You will have most of the class." 

I started reading and copying the important information, trying to understand the parts that referred to other textbooks.  As soon as the paper was set down in front of Draco, he started. I watched out of the corner of my eye him carefully read the question before jotting down a complete detailed answer. Five minutes before class ended, McGonagall collected the quizzes. I closed my book and parchment pad.

"Your homework is to write a roll of parchment on the transfiguration we learned yesterday. Snape, write one roll of parchment on chapter one. This is due tomorrow."

"Wait a minute! Why didn't she have to do the quiz or the homework?" A Gryffindor exclaimed. "Because she is Snape's daughter?" 

I scoffed, shaking my head. "No, because I have amnesia! I can't remember anything from this year, or last year, or the year before that. It's kinda hard to take a quiz on something you don't remember learning! I have the same amount of homework as you!" The bell rang just as I finished.  Everyone who didn't know stared at me shocked. I quickly packed up my things and ran out of the room.

"Think before you speak!" Draco shouted.

 I leaned against the wall with my head in my hands. Someone walked out of the classroom and stopped in front of me.

"Bunny?" Draco whispered. I didn't say anything, I just threw my arms around him.

"I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can go to classes." I tightened my grip and nuzzled my head into his neck,

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