Chapter 56

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 It was getting close to the end of the month. As the Yule Ball approached, the excitement in the air grew. Hermione and I were going to go shopping for dressing in Hogsmeade today, the last Saturday before the break. Everyone who is attending the ball was obviously staying at Hogwarts for break instead of going home. 

I was eating breakfast at the Slytherin table, waiting for Hermione when she came running in and over to me. She was red-faced and breathing heavy.

"Viktor Krum just asked me to the dance!" 

I stared at her with my fork in my mouth. "What?" I asked, with my mouthful. I know unladylike, but I don't care. She grimaced as crumbs flew out.

"Viktor Krum just asked me to the Yule Ball," She slowly and quietly said. I choked on hashbrowns as I swallowed. I coughed into my elbow as Hermione hit my back.

"Really?" I croaked, reaching for my juice.


"That's awesome! We must make you the prettiest princess for the ball." 

She smiled. "And you the same."

"Don't forget about me!" Ginny squealed, sitting down across from us. "You know...Nevile's date." 

This time Hermione choked. "Nevile asked you?" 

Ginny nodded. Hermione gulped down some water.

"That's so cute!"

"We should get ready in your room, Luna, before the ball," Ginny suggested. 

I nodded. "Sure. Well, I'm ready when you guys are."

We got up and walked out of the Great Hall. Draco was walking in.

"We are heading to Hogsmeade," I told him so he wouldn't worry when he couldn't find me in the castle. 

He nodded."Blaise and I will be there later. Maybe we could meet up at the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer." 

Smiling, I nodded. "Sure. One?"

"perfect."  We went our separate ways. 

My father gave me some money for a dress the night before. We window shopped until we found the perfect little store. Hermione ran in. Ginny and I followed behind her. We looked around and saw nothing before leaving. It was like that for one more store before we found dresses. Hermione ran to a changing room. All we saw was a flash of pink. Ginny gasped and grabbed a hanger off of the rack before following in Hermione's steps. I shook my head at the two and kept browsing. I skipped all of the bright colored dress on the rack I was looking at when Hermione walked out.

I walked over and gasped when I saw her.

"That is the one!" I claimed as Ginny walked out. She smiled when she saw our friend.

"Mione, you look great."

"So do you!"

"You both look great."

"Now we need to find you a dress," Hermione said. She and Ginny quickly changed before helping me look.

It took a few minutes, but I found one. Without any words, I grabbed the dress and went into a changing room.

"Did she-Luna?"  I quickly stripped off my clothes and slipped on the dress. I held it up as I opened the door.

"Can someone zip me up?" One of them walked forward and pulled up the zipper. I turned around and walked towards the mirror.

"Luna..." Ginny whispered. I smiled at my reflection and twirled.

"I think this is the dress."

 The two nodded. We paid for our dress. As Hermione was paying, I noticed a pair of heels. I grabbed my size just as it was my turn. It was half past noon by the time we were finished.

"How about we get some butterbeer while you wait for Malfoy?" Ginny suggested. 

We sat down at a table.

"I'll take your bag back to the castle and put it in your room," Hermione said.


We order a butterbeer and talked. Right on the dot, Draco walked into the warm establishment. The two smiled and got up to leave.

"See you later." The two nodded at Draco as he passed them.

"Hello, beautiful," He spoke as he sat down.


"How was shopping?"

"Good. You can't see my dress though."

"Why not?" He pouted.

"One, because I want it to be a surprise. Two, Hermione took it back to the castle." The waiter placed a butterbeer in front of him.


"How was your day with Blaise?" I took a sip of my drink.

"The same old, same old." 

I giggled. "Lovely." 

We sat in silence, drinking our butterbeers. Draco stared at me with a small smile on his face.

"What? Do I have cream-"

"No, you're fine. But Luna, I want to make sure you know that I will be here for you through this entire tournament." I smiled.

"I know, Draco. Thank you." 

He kissed the back of my hand. "Lets head back to the castle and cuddle. I'm freezing."

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