Chapter 34

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The next morning, I woke up with a stiff back. I clutched the bunny in one hand, stretching my arms in the air, arching my back. I groaned as I felt my back loosen. A soft crack bounced around the room when my shoulders popped. Rubbing my eyes, I stood up. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone today. I threw my hair up into a messy bun before shrugging on my uniform and shoes. Dumbledore agreed to let me wear leggings instead of the skirt. He said he wanted me to be comfortable so I can learn better than be uncomfortable and not being able to focus.  I grabbed my wand and stuffed it into my boot. 

I walked briskly to the great hall. Who needed a morning workout when you had to walk donw multiple flights of stairs and then up a bunch when classes started. There was a loud chatter in the hall since the head of houses were handing out schedules. I started walking towards the Slytherin table but was stopped.

"Luna," Fred Weasley's voice rang. 

I smiled and turned around. Him and George ran up to me.

"Whats up?"

"Would you like to sit with us?" George asked.

"We kinda heard your argument with Malfoy," Fred clarified.

 I nodded."Sure, let me get my schedule." 

The two smirked. 

"Ah yes," Fred nodded.

"From your father," George teased. 

I laughed. "Yes, from my father. You two aren't going to treat me differently because he is my father right?"

"Of course not," The two said in unison.

I smiled. "Save me a seat and I'll be right over."

They smiled and walked away. I let out of breath of air before walking up to Snape. He looked over at me.

"You okay?" He whispered. 

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna sit with the Weasley twins." 

He handed me my schedule. "Here you go." 

I felt a pair of eyes on me. Knowing who it was, I ignored it. I walked to the Gryffindor table with my head held high. The twins saved me a seat across from them. As I approached, I could see their feet resting on the bench. Gryffindors stared at me as I walked past.  

"Get your feet off the bench," I said pushing them off,  sitting down next to Harry.

"Why aren't you sitting at the Slytherin table?" Hermione asked.

"These two invited me to sit with them," I shrugged. 

Harry smiled at me. "Look, Luna. I'm sorry that I tried to make you choose. Ron and Hermione made me realize that it was wrong of me. You are one of few remaining family members I have, I shouldn't push you away just because you are dating Malfoy." 

 I smiled widely at him. "It's okay, little bro," I said, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and ruffling up his hair. Everyone laughed as he struggled to push me away.

"Stop!" He chuckled.

"Whats your schedule like?" I asked, looking at the parchment in my hand. 


The morning went by in a breeze. It was time for Divination before Care of Magical Creatures.

I climbed the ladder into the overly stuffy room. There were a few students already sitting down. I sat down in the corner on the left side. Everyone piled in and sat down. Draco came running in late. He looked around for a spot. I realized the only empty pillow was next to me. When he walked over, I simply ignored him and continued staring straight forward, bored. A few moments later, Professor Trelawney stood up. 

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