Chapter 48

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The next morning, Draco woke up me up bright and early. By bright and early, I mean the sun was not out and it was 4 am. It wasn't easy getting me up.

"Luna," He softly said. It was quiet but loud enough to cause me to stir. I groaned, rolling over.

"Luna, you need to get up. Its the World Cup day."

"No. Stop being a meanie and let me sweep!"  

Draco chuckled. "You can sweep as long as you are standing.  I don't see a broom." I growled and covered my head.

"Okay, Luna. Get up now before I pull you off of this bed and change you myself." I tucked the ends of the blanket underneath my body so I was hard to pull off. Draco tried but stopped when the door opened.

"Is she not up? I want to do her hair and makeup!" Narcissa whined.

"You try!" 

It was silent for a moment before I felt someone jump onto the bed. The impact sent me flying off of the bed onto the cold floor. I screamed as my limbs left the bed.

"There," The culprit spoke. Lucius. I smirked sitting up. The three watched as I crawled onto the bed, curling up next to Lucius. "NO! NO CUDDLES! WORLD CUP!" I snuggled into the blankets more.

"Father, you're doomed. She is not going to let you leave," Draco calmly stated, before walking out of the room.

"Dray! Where are you going? Help me!"

"No one can save you!" I croaked in the creepiest voice I could muster.  Lucius looked at me horrified. I let out an evil cackle. 

Narcissa snorted. "Yeah right." She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the blond. I grabbed onto him.

"NO!" I screamed. Lucius tried to pry my fingers off of him. "OKAY! OKAY! I'M UP AND WILL STAY UP!" The two stopped. I took a deep breath.

"Good, shower and let me know when dressed. I'm going to do your hair and makeup."

"What if I want Lucius to do my hair?" Narcissa stared at me, before looking at her husband. "I mean look at these luscious locks." I flung a piece of Lucius' hair into his face. He looked at me blankly before blowing it out of his face.

"No. Unacceptable," My godmother curtly said, before walking out of the room. We watched in silence as she turned the corner. I looked at my godfather. He looked at me.

"Well? Are you going to get out?"

"This is my house, princess." He ruffled my hair before standing up.

"Princess? More like the devil!" I shouted after. 

Right on cue, everyone responded. "True!" 

I gasped. "I feel so loved!" 

Pouting, I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed the outfit I had brought with. Quickly showering, I got out and dried off. I heard Narcissa come into the room.

"Come out when ready. I'm just setting everything up." I got dressed and threw my hair up into a towel hat before walking out. She had her makeup sprawled out on Draco's desk and her wand on the bed.

"Have a seat."  I cautiously sat down. Narci took my towel hat down before blow drying my hair. She straightened it. Afterwards, she started on my makeup, doing a simple smokey eye. When satisfied with her work she stepped back. I looked in the mirror and smiled

"Thank you!" I hugged her before slipping on my boots, cardigan, beanie, earrings, choker, key, and music note necklace.

"Ready?" She asked. I grabbed my chapstick and bag, that I packed last night,  before nodding.  We walked down the stairs to the front door. Lucius and Draco were waiting for us.

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