Chapter 52

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October snuck up on everyone. Defense Against the Dark Arts class was still my least favorite class. Honestly, Lupin is the only reason I enjoyed the class last year. We went from a fun, amazing teacher to a madman. I can't believe Dumbledore is letting him stay if with what we had to do in class today. He put everyone under the Imperius curse to show how powerful it is. One by one, of course. Hermione reminded him that he said it was Illegal and he said she was excused if she'd rather learn the hard way about the curse. She went pink but stayed. Moody had us get up so he could move all of the desks to the back of the room. Gryffindors stood on the right side and the Slytherins on the left.

I bit my lip and grabbed Draco's hand, wondering what he is going to have me do. Spin around ten times then have me try to walk back to my seat? Jump up and down waving my arms like a lunatic?  Haha, LUNAtic. I smiled at my thoughts and shook them away.

"Snape over here is smiling, she must want to go first." What! No! Fuck! Shit, no I don't! "Come on up." I sighed and walking to the front of the room, standing with my arms crossed.


 I felt like I was floating on a cloud as my mind went blank. I was vaguely away that everyone was watching.

Run around the room screaming cheeseburger

Okay!  I stepped forward but felt myself stop from moving my other foot. Why?

Run around the room screaming cheeseburger

Don't be a fool. You'll never live this down.

Run around the room screaming cheeseburger! NOW!


By the time the curse was lifted my body fought against its self. My feet did move, though it was just sliding.  I had ended up doing the splits without realizing it. Everyone watched amazed.

"She fought it..." Moody growled. 

I looked down at my legs before jokingly throwing my hands in the air like a gymnast.  A searing pain became noticeable in my inner thighs. I squeaked, quickly falling back on to my ass so I could bring my legs together. I stood up and slightly limped back over to Draco and Blaise. My legs were immensely sore.

"Always stretch before doing the split people!" I advised, rubbing my thighs to massage them.

"Yes, yes, stretching. Thomas, your turn." 

Draco wrapped an arm around my waist as we watched everyone do what he told them to do. Harry also fought but ended up smacking his knees on the desk. I winced. Draco tightened his grip on me. Soon class was over and we walked out of the room. Nothing interesting happened till Hagrid's class. He suggested we come down to his hut in the evening and observe our skrewts.  Draco, of course, protested.

"I will not! I already have to observe these foul things during the lesson!" 

Hagrid's smile dropped. "You'll do what you are told. I wouldn't mind taking a thing out of Moody's book. I hear you make a great ferret," He growled.

 Draco immediately shut up and flushed with anger.

"Don't worry, Professor. I'll make sure Draco AND Blaise come down in the evenings." 

I smiled and threw an arm over the two boys next to me. They groaned.

"Why me too?"

"Because...I heard you would make a great skunk..." I teased. 

Blaise glared and pushed me into Draco. "I hate you."

"No, you don't!" 

We started with our lesson. Draco, Blaise and I were placed next to the golden trio. It was silent for a minute before Harry spoke up.

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