Chapter 15

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Luna's POV

I ran down the hill to Hagrid's hut. Pounding on the door, I panted. Hagrid opened the door and looked at me surprised.

"Uh, Luna! What can I help you with?" He asked.

"Is Harry, Ron and Hermione here?" I took deep breaths in between words.

He nodded and let me in. As I stepped in, Hermione glared at me.

"What are you doing here?" She spat.

Ron threw up a slug into a bucket. I said nothing, just walked forward and grabbed her in a hug.

"Im so sorry. I cant believe he said that to you."

Hermione stayed frozen in shock as I pulled away.

"Who called you what?" Hagrid asked.

"Malfoy called me a mudblood. I dont know what that is. But the way he said it, im assuming its rude."

"Mudblood, dirty blood. Normally used to call muggleborns. Its not something you would hear in a civil conversation." I responded. Hermione's face fell.

"Why are you apologizing Luna? Malfoy is the one that called her that," Harry spoke up. I looked at my younger brother.

"He had no right to call her that. And personally, I was raised by muggles. Even though I'm not officially a muggleborn, I love muggles and believe that they are just like us. I would make Draco apologize, but he's stubborn. Also, I dont know if we're friends anymore after what I did." My voice cracked as tears rushed to my eyes.

"What did you do?" Hermione asked quietly.

"I slapped him and yelled at him for calling you that. I called him an asshole." I laughed softly. The trio face's lit up.

"Really?" Ron asked.

I nodded. A tear rolled down my face.

"Whats wrong?" Harry asked, standing up.

"I just lost one of my bestest friends and my only friend here."

The three looked at me sadly. Harry walked over and hugged me.

"We're your friends now." Ron said, before throwing up a slug.

I grimaced. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go to my room." I walked towards the door.

"Wait Luna! Do you want to sit with us at dinner?" Harry asked. Ron smiled at me. Hermione looked skeptical.  I smiled at them.

"Sure! I'll see you then!"

I walked out the door after bidding goodbye to Hagrid. I avoided eye contact with everyone in the courtyard as I entered the castle. Some people glanced at me. A fellow Slytherin led two first year Hufflepuffs away as I passed. I held tears back as I saw Draco walking with Flint. Running the rest of the way to my room, I impatiently waited for the door to appear.

As I entered, I noticed a tub of ice cream and chocolate bars sitting on my desk. I laughed.

"Thanks room! Also, do not let Draco Malfoy enter please."

The door shut and the room shuttered as to say OK. I grabbed the ice cream and spoon, before walking over to my bed. I devoured the ice cream. Setting down the empty carton, I laid down. Tears rolled down my face as I curled into a ball. Before, I let out a sob, I placed a sound proof charm on the room, then I let out my emotions.

An hour later, I woke up, just in time for dinner. I quickly got up and splashed warm water on my face. Leaning against the sink, I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure my eyes weren't too red or puffy. Once I made sure you couldn't tell I was crying, I walked down to the great hall. Harry wasnt there. Only Ron and Hermione. I walked over. The order of the tables went Slytherin on the far left, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor than Ravenclaw. I sat on the side facing Slytherin and Hufflepuff next to Ron. I had a feeling Hermione still didn't particularly like me. Ron smiled at me as the twin Weasley's looked at me confused. You could tell I was a Slytherin by my robes.

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