Chapter 53

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"Fleur Delacour from Beauxbaton." He named out two more from that school before switching to Drumstrang. It was Krum and two others. Time for Hogwarts.

"Cedric Diggory!" The Hufflepuff boy I watched put his name in stood up, smiling. He shook hands with Dumbledore. Dumbledore's face turned scared as he read the name.

"Harry Potter..." I gasped sitting up.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," I mumbled over again. Draco gripped my hand as I watched Hermione push my brother over towards Dumbledore. Everyone stared. Harry was handed the parchment that had his name on before directed to the other champions. Dumbledore looked at the last piece of paper and was speechless. He read it over and over again, not wanting to say the name. He shook his head and looked over at Snape. I watched my father understand why.

"No! It-"

"Severus, I'm sorry..." Crouch said, understanding what was happening.

Dumbledore looked over at me. 

Draco gasped pulling me tight against him. "NO!" He shouted.

"Luna Snape." 

My mind went blank as everyone turned to look at me. Blaise gripped my hand as I sat frozen in fear.

"Luna, come up here, please," Dumbledore softly said. I swallowed hard, slowly standing and walked over to Dumbledore. He handed me the slip of paper. It certainly did have my name on it

"I didn't put my name in," I croaked. Tears pushed their way into my eyes as I walked to where to other champions went.

"NO! LUNA!" Draco shouted, standing up. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle held him back. I covered my mouth and scrunched my eyes tight as I walked out of the Great Hall. Taking a deep breath, I ran down the stairs to the room with the others. They all looked up when I walked in.

"Luna?" Harry asked in disbelief. I ran up and hugged him.

"Why me?" I muttered, gripping him tightly.

"Why us?" He corrected. I sniffled as voices bounced their way down the stairs. I pulled away and turned to look. Dumbledore ran at Harry.

"Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" He roared. 

I took a step back with wide eyes. Damn Dumbledore. My father turned to me as Dumbledore asked Harry questions.


"I didn't put my name in. I have no clue what happened." He frowned and pulled me into a hug.

 There was another voice and someone running down the stairs. Draco. He ran over and pulled me into his chest. He rocked us back and forth. My arms were pressed in between us, my hands on his chest. He had a hand on my head and an arm around my waist. I rested my head on his left collarbone. He buried his face in my hair.

"I'm going to owl father and tell him what happened. He can help," Draco whispered in a calming voice, as my fists grasped his school robes.

"Draco, didn't you hear? I am now in a magical contract. If I don't compete-"

"Shh, I know, I know. That's not going to happen." 

I pulled away, stepping to the side so I could see everyone but still by Draco. Crouch started explaining the first task. How we couldn't ask for help from our teacher or accept help and how we would only be entering the first task with our wands. He explained since the tournament was so time-consuming we would be excused from end-of-term exams. 

"The first task will take place on November twenty-fourth in front of the rest of the students and the panel of judges." 

We were excused. Draco and I ran up the stairs. Most of the students were gone.

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