Chapter 1

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"You're to be wed by the end of this month to Prince of the North."

Your fork slipped from your hand & onto your dinner plate, you couldn't believe what you heard your father say. To be married. By a man you don't even know.

"B-But father..."

"No "buts," (Y/N). It's for your kingdom to be wed, so we can join both kingdoms together to become one. If we do this, our kingdom can become stronger & our people will be safe. Do you understand, (Y/N)?"

You stayed quiet as you bowed, "Yes, father."

You excused yourself from the dining room as you walked down the empty halls covered in paintings. Your (l/h)(c/h) flowed as you walked, your heels clicking onto the tile halls.

You went to your room as you sat on your fluffy bed, thinking of what to do & who this person is that you're marrying.

You sighed as you changed your clothes, putting on your soft pj's as you went to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up as there was a knock on the door.

Your maid spoke,"Miss.(Y/N), your father wants to see you."

You get out of bed as you stretched, "Thank you, I'll get ready."

She soon left as you got dressed into this & left the room.

You came up to your father as he sat on his throne, smiling softly at you, "Daughter, these men will be your bodyguards

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You came up to your father as he sat on his throne, smiling softly at you, "Daughter, these men will be your bodyguards." You blinked as you looked at the group of men, all tall & masculine, as you curtsy, "Thank you for helping me through this journey." The silver haired man blushed as he smiled, bowing, "You're very welcome, Princess. My name is Polnareff."

A tall tan man boys as well, "My name is Advol, Princess."

Another man with cherry earrings & red hair with a curl smiles as he bows, "My name is Kakyoin Noriaki, your majesty."

An elderly man smiles, taking his hat off as he bows, "My name is Joseph Joestar, but you can just call me Mr. Joestar, princess."

You smile at them all as your eyes finally caught a pair of ocean blue ones. He looked away as he pulls his hat down to cover his eyes, "Jotaro Kujo."

Joseph looked at Jotaro as he furrows his brows slightly, whispering, "Oi, Jojo, bow to the princess."

He sighs, "Yare Yare Daze." He bows as you blushed lightly.

Your father stood up as he went over to you, gently placing his hand on your shoulder as he looked at the men, "Please get my daughter safely to her destination before the 30 days are over."

Polnareff blinked as he looked at you both, "30 days?"

He nods his head, "She is to be wed to Prince of the North."

They looked at you as you kept your gaze to the ground.

"I see...well, we'll all make sure your daughter gets there safely, your majesty." Kakyoin smiles as the king nods his head. "Good, you shall all be paid well once you're finished."

They all bowed as some maids & butlers bring down your luggage. You looked at it as you looked at your father. "What is this, father?"

He sighs as he looked at you, his eyes softening, "You're leaving right now, my daughter. I'm sorry for it being early, but it's a very long journey."

Tears filled your eyes as you held them back, trying to be strong. He gently placed his hand on your shoulder, pulling you into a hug. "Everything will be okay, I promise."

You couldn't hold your tears in anymore as they slid down your cheeks. You hugged him back as you softly cried into his chest. The others watched quietly, Jotaro watching you as he gently clenched his fist & pulled his hat down to cover his eyes. "Let's go help get the luggage in the carriage." They looked at him as they nod their heads, leaving to help him.

You soon left, telling your father goodbye, as your journey began with your bodyguards, onward to your future.

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