Chapter 24

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(I edited this pic, I know, it's sloppy lol. Thank you all for reading my story & I hope you enjoy more of it & stay with it! Lets move on with your journey!!)

The crickets chirped as you laid in the comfort of the blankets once again, Iggy sound asleep in your arms, as everyone slept.

It was Avdols turn to keep watch as you closed your eyes for a bit.

A bit took you into a deep slumber, letting you dream about a man who held you close into his arms. This time, you couldn't tell who it was, your dream clouding the mans face.

He caressed your cheek gently as he spoke softly, "wake up, princess."

You blinked as you looked at him, "wha-?"

"Didn't you hear me? I said "wake up!"

Your eyes widen as Jotaros face appeared on the man who held you, taking you out from your slumber as you woke up. Jotaro was looking down at you as you blushed deeply, pulling the blanket over your head, "W-Whaa! What are you doing in my room!!"

He blinked as he sighs, "Yare Yare. This isn't your bedroom, we're outside. What, did you forget?"

You stayed quiet as you removed the blanket from over your head, seeing the other pack. You grew embarrassed as you laughed nervously, standing up as Iggy stretched, waking up from his slumber as well.

"Oops...sorry, Jotaro." You smiled shyly at him as he just stared down at you, causing you to grow even more shy under his intense eyes.


You stopped mid-sentence as you felt a soft pair of lips touch your forehead gently. It felt like time stopped right then & there, but everything was still moving.

He pulled away a bit, touching some of your hair as he played with it in his fingers, "Good morning."

He soon kissed your hair that he held in his fingers, causing you to blush deeply, your heart racing fast, thinking it would burst out from your chest, "G...Good m..morning."

He smirked as he looked at you, "I'll go help finish packing."

He stood up straight as he grabbed your blankets & left to put them away.

You stood there in a daze, trying to figure out & comprehend what in this bizarre world just happened.

You jumped slightly as you heard a bark. You looked down as Iggy was staring up at you, his tail wagging.

"Oh, Iggy." You kneel down as you pick him up gently, standing up straight as you held him close to you, "Let's go inside the carriage before anyone else tries something like that."

Your thoughts were wild with Jotaro now, knowing how his lips felt against your skin; so soft yet hot to the touch, like it lite up your whole body. You shivered with delight as you greeted everyone a good morning. You blushed darkly as your (e/c) eyes caught those ocean blues. You looked away as you got back inside the carriage.

Kakyoin noticed as he looked at Jotaro, "did something happen between you & the princess, Jotaro?"

Jotaro looked at him with his usual stoic expression, "Nothing much."

Kakyoin narrowed his eyes at him a bit as he put a suitcase back onto the top of the carriage, "if you say so, Jotaro."

The carriage was soon moving along the dirt road with the men beside it, the horse huffing as he pulled you along inside the carriage.

You looked out the window as you gently pet iggy who was asleep in your lap, thinking about what will come in a few days.

After a few hours, the carriage came to a stop once again. You stepped out with Iggy in your arms as you saw merchant stores & people bustling around. Your eyes widen as you looked around, never seeing anything like this before.

Someone grabbed your shoulder gently as you felt yourself being pulled into a hard chest. You blinked as you looked up & saw Polnareff as he grinned at you, "stay close, princess. You don't want to get lost here."

You smiled at him as you nod your head, "Yes, thank you, Polnareff."

He blushed lightly as he scratched his head in embarrassment, "N-No problem."

You looked around as you saw trinkets, jewels, fruits, & clothing as you smiled brightly at the sight, "Wow! It's like they have everything here!"

Polnareff had his eyes on you only, smiling brightly as he saw how you radiated with cuteness, thinking to himself, "I'm so lucky right now!"

Jotaro was looking over, clenching his fist slightly as he saw you being held close by Polnareff.

Joseph looked around as he looked over at everyone, "How about we all look around here, take a break & by some extra supplies while we're at it."

Polnareff nods his head as he looked at you happily, "want to stroll around, Princess?"

You looked at him as you looked over at Jotaro, wondering if he would say something. He didn't say anything as he looked away. You frowned as you huffed & smiled at Polnareff, "I would be delighted, Polnareff."

He smiled brightly as he took your hand gently as you held Iggy with your other.

"I'll bring her back here later, you guys! Have fun!"

He left with you as Jotaro watched you both leave. Kakyoin looked at Joseph & Avdol, "Jotaro & I will go together."

Joseph smiled as he nods his head, looking at Avdol, "Guess it's me & you, Avdol."

Avdol smiled as he bowed his head slightly, "I am honored, Mr. Joestar. Now, let's go see if there's any good restaurants we can take the princess to."

Joseph nods his head as they both waved at Jotaro & Kayoin, "See ya later!"

They left as Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, "What would you like to do first, Jotaro?"

Jotaro looked at him as he looked around, "Look around, I guess."

He wanted to find you a gift that no one else would ever think of giving you. He hated how you were with Polnareff, but maybe this will help him look around to give it to you as a surprise later.

He smiled to himself as him & Kakyoin walked around. Everyone in their separate ways as the merchant area.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now