Chapter 31

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(Warning: contains scenes not meant for kids. If you're not into this, please skip this chapter ;3 )

His lips were inches apart from yours, his warm breath hitting your soft lips. You close your eyes slowly, wanting his sweet embrace.

He gently pressed his lips against yours. You kiss him back as your lips slowly moved in sync. You gripped his jacket sleeve a bit, trying to keep up with his heated kiss that grew more & more passionate throughout the second.

You felt his wet, hot tongue lick your plump lips. You blushed as you hesitate, not knowing why he licked them. He opened his eyes half way as he saw how tight your eyes were closed & the red blush on your plump cheeks. He smirked a bit as he slid his hands up & down your waist, soon grabbing your ass. Your eyes widen as you blushed deeply, your heart racing, as you gasped. He dove his tongue inside your mouth as all these new sensations ran through your body. You let out a small whimper as you gripped his jacket sleeves more, trying to stay awake as you felt everything grow hazy.

He searched everywhere in your wet cavern, sliding one hand into your (H/l) (H/c) hair.

You moaned softly as he pulled you closer to him, his hard chest pressing against your body. You shivered from the heated passion, your lower half feeling weird as you felt waves of pleasure course through it. You didn't know what this feeling was, but the way his other hand massages your bottom made you crave it more & near your sweet flower that wanted to bloom.

You pulled away a bit as you grew light from lack of hair. Your tongues were connected with saliva as you panted hard, your (e/c) eyes were hazed with lust & need. You looked into his ocean blue eyes as they were hazed as well. He gently brushed his fingers through your hair as he leaned down & began to kiss & nite your neck. His hand sliding down from your cheek & toward your plump breasts.

You were long gone from the intense passion you were receiving. Your lack of thoughts made your mind numb, enjoying his sweet embrace.

He slowly licked up your neck, causing you to let out a soft moan, "Jotaro~"

He loved the way you spoke his name. He only wanted to be the only one who could hear your sweet moans. Only he could make you feel like this, no one else. He couldn't bare to imagine another man touching you.

He bit your neck where your lay hickey was. He sucked it hard, wanting to bring back the fading hickey. He wanted to show that you were his. He wanted everyone to know who you belonged to.

He slowly touches your breast, causing your back to arch slightly as you gasped a bit, brushing your fingers into his black locks. You pull off his hat & toss it somewhere in the quiet room, wanting to touch more of his soft hair.

He loved the way you brushed your fingers in his hair. He wanted more from you. He wanted you to touch him more.

He began to lay you gently on your back, biting & sucking your neck harder. You wrapped your thick thighs around his strong waist, letting him grind into you. You moaned as you felt like your panties were becoming wet.

You felt something hard press against your soaking area. You blushed as you slowly realized it was him.

You gripped his jacket on his back as your moans become uncontrollable, growing even more embarrassed by the second.

"F-fuck, (Y/N)~"

You looked at him as he was panting against your neck, he was looking straight at you, his eyes hungry & filled with desire for you.

Your heart raced as you look away shyly, he gently cupped your cheek to make you look back at him, he spoke huskliy, but kind, "Can I continue? I don't push you."

You thought as you looked at him, your duties as a princess filled your mind, lust pushing them away as they screamed how much you needed this man right here & now.

You gulped as you wonder if this would be a total mistake. You looked away as you look at him once again, smiling softly, "I want you, Jotaro. Please, don't stop."

He smiled a bit as he leaned up, kissing your lips softly, as he spoke, "You don't know how bad I want you. You're mine, you hear me?"

He slides his hands up your thighs as you shivered, your whole body feeling like it was on fire, "Y-Yes~"

He chuckled softly as he kissed your neck, speaking against it, "Good girl~"

His hands were sliding up as he pushes them into your shorts, rubbing your thighs as they slowly inched toward your area.

Your area felt like it was on fire as it throbbed between your legs, like it was begging to be touched.

"J-jotaro, don't tease~"

You blushed as you knew how bad you wanted this man, but you were soon growing nervous. You don't really know how this works. No one ever taught you how this was supposed to go.

He leans down slowly as he opened your legs more, beginning to kiss your inner thighs, "shut up & listen to me~ whatever I say, goes~ you got that, baby girl~?"

Your eyes widen a bit as you looked at him, growing embarrassed as you saw him kiss between your thighs, "J-Jotaro?"

He bit your inner thigh as your back arched, a moan coming out from your plump lips as he spoke against it, "Answer my question & I might give you what you want~"

Tears filled your eyes as you looked at him shyly, embarrassment & lust eating you up. You nod your head as you spoke, "Y-Yes, I'm all yours~"

He smirked as he kissed your inner thigh, "Good girl~"

He began to unbutton your shorts, pulling them down as he saw your (f/c) panties. You grew shy as you tried to cover yourself, only for him to grab your hand, "Don't. I want to see it all."

Your heart raced as you moved it away. He kissed your area as he began to suck on it, causing you to moan louder, brushing your fingers roughly into his locks.

This is it, this was the moment you were going to feel true passion. Until, there was a knock on the door.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now