Chapter 36

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You were slowly losing air, the sludge surrounding your airway. You tried to pull yourself out from it, but it was too wet to even pull off.

Your vision was going dark, slowly losing conscience from the lack of air. You looked over at the guys; you watched them yell & struggle to find a way to get you out.

This was it, you thought, this was going to be the last time you'll ever see anyone.

You soon felt vines wrap around you as it began to pull you out. Once your face was pulled free from the sludge, you inhaled deeply as much air as you could. Joseph was using his Hermit Purple to try & pull you out, "Hold on, Princess!! I'll get you out!"

He grunts as he pulled harder. The others were dealing with Excrement. The Gunge stand tried to keep you captive under his slime, not wanting you to leave.

You tried once again to escape, you wanted to be back in Jotaros arms.

Jotaro was using Ora, as well as his own fist, to punch the living life out of this crazed man, rage filled Jotaro's body.

The man laughs as he spits out blood, his Gunge stand was enveloping you once again in his slime of death. You felt some of it push into your mouth, the metallic, yet sewage, taste filled you. Tears filled your eyes as you tried to gasp for air.

"You sick bastard, what are you doing to her?!" Polnareff's silver chariot swung at Excrement, stabbing him in the shoulder. Excrement just laughs as he coughs up blood, "I'm doing this for her own good~"

The sludge soon dropped you from the air. Jotaro's eyes widen as he ran over & caught you. He fell to the floor on his back as he held you close, not wanting for you to feel the fall.

You were passed out cold, the sludge was too much for you to handle.

Excrement's stand surrounds him as he smirked, "See you later~"

Just like that, he disappeared with his sludge, like he was sludge himself.

The others panted as the ran over to you. Jotaro held you close as he caressed your face gently. He gripped his fist as rage filled him, "Dammit."

He didn't want for this to happen to you. What the hell did that creep do to you? Jotaro wanted to kill the man for even laying a finger on you. Also, how dare that bastard call you fat.

He gets up with a grunt, holding you in his arms, as he began to walk over to the carriage, "She needs her rest."

Joseph looked as he went over to Jotaro, "But, Jotaro! Didn't you see it too? She consumed some of the slime, we don't know what's happening to her right now with that in her system!"

Jotaro stops as he looked at you, you looked flushed as he frowns. He leaned down as he kissed your forehead softly, "It's okay. We'll stop somewhere to rest."

He went over to the carriage as the others watched. Jotaro placed you inside gently as he brushed some of your hair away from your face, whispering, "I'm sorry."

Everyone was on the road once again, soon coming up to a rest stop. They paid for separate rooms, Jotaro having one with you.

The others helped with your luggage into the room as Jotaro carried you. He gently lays you on one of the two beds inside this room. Jotaro looked at the others as he gave them a soft thank you.

They nod their heads as Kakyoin went over to him, gently placing a hand on Jotaro's shoulder, "If you need anything, Mr. Joestar & my room is right next door."

Jotaro nods his head as they all left.

It was quiet as Jotaro looked at you. He went over as he gently took off your heels for you, placing them on the floor. He grabs a water cup, going over to the sink to fill it with water. He went back over to you as he sits on the bed. He lifts you up as he held the water glass to your lips, whispering, "Hey, you need to drink, okay?"

You didn't respond as some of the water spilled from your mouth. He sighs as he takes some into his mouth. He placed the cup down as he kissed you, letting the water slide into your mouth as you swallowed. He did this over & over again until the glass was empty.

He sighs as he lays you back down on the bed. He takes his jacket off & lays it on you, hoping this will help comfort you in your dreams.

He went to the other bed as he lays in it. After a while, he falls asleep.

"...taro~ ...Jotaro~ ...wake up, baby~"

His eyes widen as he looked up, seeing you sit on his waist. You were stripped from your clothes, leaving yourself in your (f/c) undergarments.

His eyes widen as he felt instantly hard, the moonlight hitting your curvy figure so perfectly. He gulps as you looked at you.

"Want to have some fun, Jotaro~? I feel so much better~"

Jotaro hesitates, but didn't want to think twice why you were like this right now. He leaned up as he caught your lips instantly. In his mind, everything about you was his addiction. He wanted all of you & more.

The kiss was hot & passionate; your tongues twirled together as your hearts raced. You slowly grind on him as he grunts. He thought he couldn't last anymore.

You pulled away for air, brushing your fingers through his thick black locks, "Jotaro~ I want you in me~"

He blushed, thanking that it was dark to see it, as he let you take control. You brushed your hands all the way down his body, letting them roam & tease, till you got to his white dress pants. You began to unbuckle his belt as your smile slowly turned into a smirk, "I've been waiting for this as long as you have, Jotaro~"

He blushed as he soon pales, feeling something cold & sharp press against his neck, "Jo~ Ta~ Ro~ Baby girl wants to play~"

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now