Chapter 66

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A week passed as you all traveled, wondering where to go next after that horrible experience.

You sat inside your carriage, iggy laying on your lap as you pet him gently.

You stared outside the carriage as you felt a heavy weight upon your shoulders, worried for a very good reason.

Your father.

Would he hear of the disaster that has happened & hate you for ruining his plans?

You bit your lip as you take in a breath as you felt the tears begin to well up in your eyes.

You knew your father loved you, but the way he showed it was through anger, control & restraint.

You grew scared. Scared how your father would react about this whole mess. You worried that he wouldn't care of what Dio has done to you, that he'll disown you for screwing everything up.

The carriage stopped as you heard a light knock on the door, Jotaro opened it as he looked at you, "Do you want to come out & stretch?" He looked at your face as his eyes widen a bit. He came inside, closing the door behind himself, sitting next to you as he placed a hand gently on your shoulder, "Are you okay?"

You looked at him as you looked down at Iggy, petting him softly, "No. I'm scared of what my father will think of me," you could feel your tears slid down your chubby cheeks, "What if he hates me forever, Jotaro? What if he disowns me?"

You begin to cry, some of the tears dropping onto Iggy, waking him up as he looked up at you. He sat up as he rubbed his head against yours, living your tears away.

You sniffed as you smiled softly at Iggy, "Thank you, Iggy."

Jotaro looked at you as he held you close, embracing you in his arms, "It'll be okay, (y/n). Don't overthink it," He looked down at you as he kissed your forehead gently, "If it comes to that, you don't have to worry. You have us."

You looked at him as you smiled, "I know," you sighed a bit as you frowned, "I just want my father in my life."

Jotaro watched you as he lays his head on yours, "I'll talk to him for you, take full blame for it."

You looked at him as you frowned, "But, what if my father ends up hating you? How will you ever marry me?"

He looked at you as he smirked, "Then I'd steal you away. We could elope & have each other."

You blushed lightly as you smiled, leaning up as you kissed him gently, "I'd like that."

He smiled as there was a knock on the door, hearing Polnareff speak out, "Come on, lovebirds. Get out so we can figure out what we're going to do next." 

Jotaro spoke out, "Alright."

He looked at you as he smiled softly, "Ready?"

You looked at him as you smiled, "Yeah."

He opened the door as you both stepped out the carriage. You held Iggy in your arms as you placed him down. He ran off toward the bushes to go do his business.

You looked at everyone as they smiled at you.

Joseph spoke out, "Princess, what do you feel like doing? It's your choice."

You smiled as you thought for a bit, "Well, we definitely need to go back to my home."

Kakyoin frowned a bit as he looked at you, "Are you sure, Princess? Won't your father be mad?"

Avdol spoke out, "If he does become angry with her, we could all be her witnesses to how unfit of a future husband & King he would be towards his daughter, as well as to his people."

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now