Chapter 43

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You walked around inside the castle with Dio, listening to him speak about what he's done throughout his life. You zoned out from his words, not paying attention, as your mind only raced about Jotaro, his words of comfort spreading out in you.


You snapped out of your thoughts as you looked up, your (e/c) eyes looking into red eyes. He raised a brow as he frowned, displeased that you weren't listening to him, "is something the matter?"

You shook your head, "N-No, nothings wrong."

He narrowed his eyes, wondering if you were thinking about that imbecile bodyguard, his blood boiling as he wondered what you've both done with one another, "Are you sure you weren't thinking about the one with the white jacket?"

"W-What?" Before you could protest, he had you slammed against the wall, his hands gripped your arms harshly, you flinched as you grew worried, "D-Dio, you're hurting me!"

"You better stay away from him while he's still here. If you don't, you better pray that I won't lose it. Got it?!"

You nod your head as he lets you go, walking off, "I don't want to see you till dinner. Someone will show you to your room." He snapped his fingers as one of the maids came over, she bows as she lead you to your room. You were shaking as tears filled your eyes. Your rubbed your arms softly, flinching from the massive pain. You looked at your chubby arms, seeing red finger marks that were left behind. You couldn't let the others see that, no way. You went into your room as the women bowed & left.

You stood in the massive room, a large king size bed with beautiful dressers & a mirror were in place. You went over to the mirror as you looked at yourself. You sighed as you went to wash your face, thinking to yourself, "Father, what have you gotten me into?"

You dried your face softly with a hand towel as you went to find a shawl or a coat, something to cover the marks that were placed on your (s/c) arms.

You went to lay down on the bed, sighing as your thoughts lead you to Jotaro once again, knowing that he would never hurt you like that. He was too sweet & kind, yeah, he had his moments, but you knew he would never lay a hand on you in that way.

You stared at the ceiling, the pain in your arms never stopping. You rubber them softly as you stared out the window, wondering what Jotaro was doing.

The others finished placing your luggage in the hall, "That's all her luggage." Joseph spoke as he looked at the guards who were having the maids take your luggage to your room that was upstairs. The guards thanked them as Dio came down the stairs, he looked over at Jotaro as he given him a death glare, soon smiling. "May I have a word with the one in the white jacket?"

Joseph blinked as he looked over at Jotaro, "Y-Yes, your majesty. Jotaro, go on. He wants to speak with you."

Jotaro looked at Joseph as he went over to Dio, "In my studies, we need to talk in private."

He nods his head as he followed the blonde. They went inside his office as Dio sat down in his large brown office chair, "Sit, relax. Nothing to worry about, just want to ask you some simple questions."

Jotaro just stood as he looked at him, "Just hurry up & talk."

Dios eyes widen a bit, shocked to hear someone talk down to him. It soon disappeared as it was placed with his cocky smirk once again, "well one has ever had the nerves to speak rudely to me & lived to tell it. Anyways, I have one major question to ask you."

Jotaro looked at him as he furrowed his brows, "What is it?"

Dio entwined his fingers together, his red eyes blazing into the ocean blue ones, "What's your relationship with my bride?"

Jotaro looked at him as he pulls his hat down, "Why are you asking?"

"It seems to me you both might have feelings for one another. The way you glared at me kind of showed that you were closer to her then I think. Now, answer my question, what is your relationship with my bride?!"

He slammed his hand onto the desk, a loud thud echoed in the office as Jotaro looked at him, his face expressionless, but his eyes cold, "Nothing. I was only her bodyguard."

Dio looked at him, "I don't believe you. If I figure out that you touched her in anyway, it won't end pretty."

He stood up as he looked out the window, his back facing Jotaro, "Oh, & stay away from her. If you step anywhere near my bride, you won't be leaving here alive."

Jotaro clenched his fist as he turned & left. He was now worried about you, hoping that this crazed Prince didn't hurt you.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now