Chapter 13

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As you walked down the dirt path with Iggy beside you, Jotaro watched you closely, wanting to find some way to talk to you, but didn't know what to say. He knew he hurt you, but he was too stubborn to even apologize, thinking putting you down will help him get rid of the butterflies in his stomach when he sees you. He can't even put into words on what he was feeling for you, and he doesn't want to understand them. You were a princess, he was just a regular guy who had to get you to your destination. 

He kicked some pebbles that were on the road as he tries to think on what to do at this point. 

"Why don't you just talk normally to her?" 

Jotaro lifted his head up as he looked to his right, seeing Kakyoin smiling at him. 

"...Why should I?" He looked away as Kakyoin narrows his eyes at him, "It's obvious you want to talk to her. I can see it all over your face. Just talk to her; ask about her hobbies, her favorite things, anything that you want to know about her." 

Jotaro pulls his hat down a bit as he looked over at you as you laughed as Iggy ran around you. 

"...What if she doesn't want to talk to me? Hell, she probably hates me from my rude accusations towards her. No point in trying." 

Kakyoin's eyes widen a bit, never hearing questions about emotions before from Jotaro. He smiles softly as he placed his hand on Jotaros back, "Well, you'll never know unless you talk to her." He then pushes Jotaro as Jotaro stumbled over to you. You looked over at him as you blushed lightly. Jotaro turned his head to Kakyoin as he clenched his fist. Kakyoin smiled as he waved. 

"...Is there something you want, Jotaro?" 

His eyes widen a bit as he stood up straight, looking down at you as he looked away. "Maybe..I guess.." 

You raised a brow as Iggy growled, "You guess? Is that a yes or no?" 

Jotaro glared at Iggy as he looked at you a bit, growing flustered from each passing second as he felt his heart race a bit. He thought to himself, "Why the hell is my heart racing like this? Dammit, answer her already!" 

He sighs as he looks at you once again, staring into your (e/c) eyes. "Yes, I want to...apologize." 

You blushed lightly from the blue ocean eyes that always made you feel like you were stuck inside them; drowning when he stares deep into your eyes. 

"Apologize? I see." You smiled softly at him as he was the one to blush; the setting sun hitting you perfectly, like an angel as he felt like he saw wings sprout out from behind you. 

He nods his head, "Yeah. I've been a jerk to you; calling you names & putting you down like that..." 

He looked away a bit, trying to hide the light blush that was spreading like fire on his cheeks, your beauty too much for him to handle. 

"I accept your apology. Thank you." 

He looked down at you as you had tears sliding down your chubby red cheeks. He reacted by touching you cheeks gently, caressing your tears away with his thumb. That was the last thing he ever wanted to see from you. He never wanted to see you cry ever again, especially from him. He hated to see you cry. 

"Please, don't cry...I'm sorry for making you cry earlier. You are brave & strong in your own way." 

You looked up at him, your (e/c) eyes filled with tears, as you looked shocked, "Me? N-No, i'm not brave nor strong. You guys are the brave ones, i'm just a princess who can't do anything." 

"Don't say that about yourself!" He cupped your cheek softly as he leaned down to face you, your lips almost touching as he whispers softly, "You're perfect &...I just want you for myself, dammit." 

Your eyes widen as you blushed darkly, your heart feeling like it would burst any second. You could feel his warm breath tingle you plump lips, your mind freaking out as the thousands of possibilities ran through your head on what his next move would be. The last thought that came into your head, was that you didn't want this moment to end. 

"...Sorry, I got carried away." He slowly pulled away as you could see the blazing red on his cheeks, matching your cheeks as well. You placed your shaking hand on your chest as you felt your heart race against it. "I-It's okay." 

Iggy barked between you both as the others watched in astonishment, Polnareff disgruntled from the whole scene that played out, muttering "All he had to say was sorry." 

You looked at them as you blushed even more than ever. You gently picked up Iggy a you went over to the cart, passing by them, "I'll be in here for the rest of the ride." 

You went inside with Iggy as you closed the door, sitting down as you felt like your whole body was on fire, your heart not slowing down, as you looked at Iggy, "What was that? Was...was it like a love confession?" 

Iggy barked as he lays on your lap, falling asleep. 

You looked out the small window as the carriage moved along once again. 

"Father, is this what love feels like?" 

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now