Chapter 47

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You were walking down the long halls, looking for a maid to answer your questions on Iggys whereabouts.

You finally found one as you went over to her; she looked gloomy, middle aged, as wore a black dress with a long, white apron. She looked up at you as you could see how pale her skin was. You smile nervously as you cleared your throat, "Excuse me, but where did you put my friend, Iggy?"

She blinked as her brows furrowed slightly, narrowing her eyes at you, "Your friend? They're all downstairs."

You shook your head as you tried to keep your composure, "I meant my dog. You all took an injured dog away earlier, where is he?" You clenched your fist a bit as you looked at her with a serious expression. She sighs, "Follow me."

You watched her walk away as you followed behind her. She lead you to a random room down a long hall. She opens the door as you step inside, seeing your loveable friend on the bed, bandaged up, "Iggy!"

You ran over to him as you lean down a bit tears filled up your eyes as you let his face softly, "Iggy...I'm so sorry."

The maid watched you as she looked out the hall, "Don't stay long in here. We also given him a medicine, so he won't be in pain."

You turned to thank her, but she was already gone. You blinked as you looked back down at your poor friend. Sighing, you sat down next to him as you watched him sleep.

After a while, you decided to go find the others, maybe tell them what happened. But, you grew worried on what they'll say & do, there's no way they could fight someone like him.

Your thoughts were interrupted as you bumped into something hard. You stepped back as you looked up, you smiled as the person you knew turns around. Polnareff smiled at you as he spoke, "Oh, hello, princess. What brings you out here?"

You hesitate with your words as you look at him, "Just...walking around is all. What about you?"

He grins, "Well, I'm just checking out what a castle really looks like. Never seen one all around before, so just wanted to check it out."

You smile at him as you walked with him through the halls, "What...what about the others?"

He looked at you as he placed his hand on the back of his neck, "Well...Jotaro is really worried about you, as well as me & the others...I know you don't want to talk about it, but..."

He looks around a bit as he leaned down & whispered softly, "If he's hurting you, we'll kick his ass & immediately take you away from here, Princess."

You blushed lightly as you looked down at the red carpet, "I...I'm okay."

He frowns as he gently lifted your chin to make you look at him, "Princess, please don't lie for scum. Tell me....please."

You gulped back your true words, but you just couldn't. Even though your father gotten you into this mess, you couldn't just ruin it all for him. Could you? You couldn't help but want to spill the beans & just elope with Jotaro, traveling with him & the others on adventures.

"...Well he-"

"Ah, there's my lovely bride-to-be~"

You turned as you flinched a bit, your words cut off from none other then the venomous man you would soon call your husband. He walked over to you both, but his red eyes were only on you, sending chills down your spine. You couldn't help but think, 'how did he get here so fast?'

He came over as he smiles at you, "What are you two talking about, my love?" He glanced over at Polnareff, his red eyes were filled with death.

Polnareff kept a serious, but deadly, expression; staring right back into Dios bloodlust eyes.


You couldn't come up with anything, your fears rushing over you like a flood. Anxiety growing high as sweat grows on your forehead, "Um..."

You felt a firm hand on your shoulder, you looked at Polnareff as he smiled, "We were only talking about how amazing your castle is. I never seen one fully inside before, & she was only helping me with a bit of a detour. Right, princess?"

You looked at him as the flood slowly flowed away, your anxiety calming a tad bit, as you nod your head, "Y-Yes, of course. He really wanted to see one."

You looked at Dio as you forced a smile. His cold eyes stared into your warm (e/c) eyes. He takes in a breath, "I see. Well, carry on. I'll be in my study & dinner will be ready around 6pm sharp. Alright?"

You & Polnareff nod your heads as he turned, leaving you both.

It was quiet as Polnareff muttered out, "What the hell was that? How did he came out of nowhere so fast? And he was so quiet, I didn't even hear him till he spoke."

You placed a hand on your chest, your heart was pounding fast. You couldn't believe how afraid you were at that moment. Why couldn't you be brave like Polnareff? Spoken up for yourself at least.

You sighed, disappointed in your actions, as Polnareff looked at you & ruffled your hair, "Hey, don't be down, okay?"

You looked at him as you smiled, "I'll try."

You both walked out the now empty hall, eerie from Dios mysterious entrance. You walked down the long stairs to the main entrance. You look around as you looked at Polnareff, "Where are the others?"

He looked at you as he stretched a bit, "Probably in their rooms."

You looked at your hands as you let them rub against your dress, "...Where's Jotaros room? I believe I owe him an apology."

He looked at you as he frowned a bit, "Do you think that's a smart idea? What about your future husband?"

You looked at him as you bit your plump lip, "I...I don't care about him right now. I want to talk to Jotaro."

Polnareff was quiet as he sighs, "Alright, I'll show you to his room."

You both walked back up the stairs, taking a right, as you walked down the long halls once more. He points at each door as he spoke, "That's Kakyoins room, Mr. Jorstars..., Avdols, mine, and...this is Jotaros room."

You both stood in front of the large brown door, you looked at it as you looked up at Polnareff as you smiled, "Thank you, Polnareff...for everything."

He smiled at you as he leaned down, kissing your cheek softly, "You're welcome, cutie. I'll take my leave." He stood up straight as he placed his hands in his pockets, walking over to his room as he opened the door, smiling at you once more as he went inside.

The sound of the soft click of his door emitted in the long hall. You take in a breath as you looked back at the door that contained the man you've grown to truly want. You hesitate, knocking on the door, "'s me...May I come in?"

It was quiet as you soon heard, "come in."

You let out the breath you held in, turning the golden knob as you walked inside, seeing the blue eyed male sitting on the soft bed.

Your eyes meet as your heart raced in the way you loved, your lips curved into a small smile.

You didn't know what you'll do, but it's something you've truly desired for a long time from him. 

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now