chapter 7

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You all left the motel after eating. You were inside the carriage now as you've all been on the road for about 2 hours now. You were in a huge open field as you looked out at the meadows.

You quietly thought to yourself, "I wonder what kind of prince he'll be...maybe sweet & shy...or he could be cruel..." You sighed as you placed your hand onto the door window. "father..."

The carriage stopped as there was a knock on the door, "Princess, you can take a break now."

You smiled as the voice came from Mr. Joestar. He opened the door for you as you smiled brightly, stepping out as he helped you."Thank you, Mr. Joestar." He smiles at you as you got onto the green grass near the sandy road, "The pleasure is mine, Princess."

You stretched as you looked around a bit. "How far now till we get to the castle."

Kakyoin thought as he looked at you & smiled, "about another 3 days, your majesty."

You smiled a bit as you sighed, "Thank you."

You looked off into the meadow as you saw flowers blooming. Your eyes widen as you smiled brightly, going over there to pick them.

"your majesty, let me come with you." Avdol walked with you as you smiled at him, "Thank you, Avdol." He smiles as he nods his head.

You looked at the flowers as you smiled brightly, picking up dandelions & tulips. You soon spotted your favorite flower as you pick it up.

"These flowers are all so beautiful." You sighed in relief as you smelled each one.

"Not as beautiful as you, Milady!"

You blinked as you looked down to see Polnareff kneeling & holding a huge hand-picked bouquet of flowers. You blushed lightly from both comment & gesture as you gently take the bouquet into your hands, "Thank you, Polnareff."

He smiles as he stood up, "Anything for a beauty."

You blushed more as you looked at the flowers. You were about to say something, as your favorite flower was held in front of your face. You blinked as you looked at the hand & up to the owner of it. Jotaro was standing there, his other hand pulling his hat down, as he wasn't looking at you. He spoke softly, "for you."

You felt butterflies in your stomach as your heart raced. You gently take the flower as you couldn't stop blushing. "T-Thank you, Jotaro."

He nods his head as he walked back to the cart. You watched him as Polnareff sighs, "Damn. He took my spotlight from you." You looked at him as you smiled, "yours are just as beautiful, Polnareff." He looked at you as he smiles, "Good."

You smiled as Joseph yelled out for everyone to come back over to the carriage. Avdol looks at you as he smiled, "Ready, princess?" You nod your head as you smiled back, "Ready."

You were back inside the carriage as it moved once again, everyone walking around it as they talked.

You looked at the flower Jotaro given you as your heart felt like it would flutter out from your chest. You smiled softly as you sighed lovingly, speaking softly to yourself " this love?"

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now