Chapter 35

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You were back over to your carriage, seeing the cold man you've grown feelings for pack your things back up.

You hesitate, wondering what to say or if it was the right time to even talk. You gulped as you gently tug at his white sleeve. He looked down at you as he raised a brow, "Yeah?"

You began to blush, panic growing in you, as you stuttered, "C..can w-we talk?"

He stays quiet as he nods his head.

You walked with him, away from the group, as you looked down at your shaky hands, growing nervous, "J-Jotaro, do you...what do"

He looked down at you with an expressionless face, wanting to hear your words. He sighs, "Hurry up & say what you have to say."

You thinned your lips as you looked up at him, "Do you like me?"

He looked at you as you looked back down, thinking in your mind, "W-What the hell, (Y/N)?!"

He blushed lightly as he sighed again, pulling his hat down to cover his eyes, "Yes. I already told you before, don't make me repeat it."

Your heart stopped as your blush intensifies. You thought to yourself, "O-okay, so he likes me back...I can do thi-"

"(Y/N), marry me instead."

Your eyes widen in shock from his words. He wouldn't look at you, but you could see the hints of red on his cheeks, "I won't repeat that either."

You were lost for words, trying to process what on earth he just asked you, "...I..I..."

You soon felt hands wrap around you as you were pulled close to someone's chest, "Well well well~ looks like we have a couple of rich lovebirds here~"

Your eyes widen as you turned around to face a man who was at least 6"4. He was built, but his looks were terrifying. It looked like his face was melting.

You screamed as Jotaro got in a fighting stance, anger boiling in him, "Hey, let her go, you bastard! Who the hell are you?!"

He looked at Jotaro as the mans stand came into view. It didn't even look human; it was like a slime monster. It wrapped its slimy tentacles around you as you grew pale from fear, feeling it slither around your figure.

You began to struggle as the man laughed, the slime was surrounding you as the man looked at Jotaro, "My name is "excrement" & this is my stand "gunge." We're here for some money~ but, if you don't have any, we'll gladly take this young lady to sell for some cash~"

He laughs as Jotaro clenched his fist, "You dirty son of a..."

"Uh ah. Lay one finger on me & I'll instantly choke her to death with my sludge." He smirked as he let the slime come up toward your neck as it reached over to your mouth.

Jotaro clicked his tongue as his stand came out as well, "If you don't let her go, I swear I'll turn you & your shitty stand into slush."

Excrement laughs maniacally as he looked at you, grasping your face in his hand, "Did you hear that, fatty? He's going to turn me into a slush? I'd like to see him tr-?!"


Star immediately slammed his fist into Excrements face, causing him to fly back with you stuck in his sludge. You screamed as you toppled on top of the crazy man. He looked at you as he glared, "He off of me, you tub of lard!!"

His Gunge stand lifted you up into the air as you screamed. Your scream alerted the others as they ran toward your voice, "Princess!"

"You better watch the way you take to my girl, you sick freak!" Jotaro glared at Excrement as his stand threw another punch toward him. Gunge instantly grabbed onto Star's hand.

"You think you're going to get me a second time with that crappy stand of yours? I don't think so." Excrement smirked wickedly as Gunge began to slide all over Star.

"What the hell?" Jotaro could feel the weight of the sludge on his arm as well, neither him or Star could life their left arm.

"That's the power of my Gunge. Whoever gets touched, feels like a ton if weight is poured onto their body!" He laughs as emeralds pierced him, "EMERALD SPLASH!!"

Excrement screamed out in pain as Kakyoin went to Jotaro's aid, "Are you okay, Jotaro? Who is this man?"

"Who gives a crap about me or that freak! Get the princess!"

Kakyoin looked over as his eyes widen, seeing your face in the black sludge that surrounded you.

"OH NO!!" Joseph watched as he looked at you, "Princess!"

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now