Chapter 20

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Leaves crunched hard as shoes were stamping the floor, hearts raced as they heard your screams.

"Dammit!! Hurry!!" Polnareff was ahead of everyone, seething in anger & worry.

"Please, be okay!" His mind was racing as he got to the destination you & the two men once were.

He looked around as he felt like he would pass out from the panic that washed over him.

Joseph came up behind him as he looked around, "oh no!"

Avdol came up from behind them as he looked for clues. He saw the men's foot prints as he stood up & pointed the direction they ran off to, "Hurry, they went this way!"

They looked at him as they nod their heads, running afterwards to find you. All four men would call out for you & waited for a response. They couldn't get one except for their echos & their feet crunching the dead leaves & sticks.

They soon heard loud footsteps running toward them. Their eyes widen as they all got into fighting stances.

Jotaro soon popped out from the heavy bushes, panting hard as he looked around, "W-Where is she?!"

Polnareff furrowed his brows as he clenched his fist, "We're looking for her right now!!"

"...tch dammit!" Jotaro slammed his fist into the tree that was next to him, his head down, as he tried to catch his breath.

"I...I heard her. She yelled out for me..."

Everyone's eyes widen, not knowing that she called out for just Jotaro. Polnareff clenched his teeth as he scoffed, "lets go now. We're wasting time."

He ran off as Joseph called out for him.

"I shall follow him." Avdol smiled as he went after Polnareff.

Kakyoin looked at Jotaro & Joseph. Joseph gave him a knowing look as Kakyoin nods his head, "I shall follow in pursuit as well."

He left as Joseph looked at his grandson who was leaning against the tree.

"Jotaro...what is the princess to you?"

Jotaros eyes widen slightly from the question he tried to avoid since day one. He looked at Joseph as he looked at where the others left to find you.

"...I don't know that answer, old man."

"...I see. Try thinking about it harder then, Jotaro. If you don't, you will regret the choices you make with her."

He gently placed his hand on Jotaros shoulder as he smiled softly, "if you love someone with all of your heart, you would do the most craziest things just for that special someone."

Jotaro looked at him as he smiled a bit, pulling his hat down as he stood up straight.

"Thanks, old man."

Joseph grinned, "Now, lets go rescue the princess."

Jotaro nods his head as he followed Joseph to catch up with the others.

His Princess Her Bodyguard (Jotaro x Chubby!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now