Chapter 16 (part 2)

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Jotaro couldn't take the way you spoken to him, seeing & hearing how his words from before really gotten to you.

He stood up as he takes in a breath, stuffing his hands deep inside his pockets, "I'm going to go check out the area."

He looked at your form laying in the blanket as he left toward the forest. His shoes crunched the brown leaves that were lifeless. He looked around a bit, "yare yare..."

He lays his back into a tree, pulling out a cig as he lit it up, taking in a toxic drag, letting it out into the clean, night air.

He hated the way you looked at him when you were angry. He just couldn't tell you about these weird feelings his has for you. When he sees you, all he wants to do is take you into his arms & never let you go, kissing every inch of your body that he could reach.

He sighs as he held the cig between his lips, staring out at the dark forest. He soon heard crunching of leaves as he looked to where the sound was emitting from.

"..." it was soon quiet once again, only the sounds of crickets playing their soft tunes were heard in the distance.

He takes in one last drag of his cig as he put it out.

He thought to himself, "hopefully, she's asleep by now. I can't face her when she's mad at me."

He pushes himself off the tree as he went back to where the campsite was. As he finally got there, he couldn't believe what he saw. His eyes widen as he saw the position you & Polnareff were in, your chubby body pressed against the French mans body. He gripped the tree as it cracked underneath his hand, pieces of bark falling to the grass. He couldn't figure out why this made him so furious. He wanted to grab you & punch the day lights out of the lucky idiot that's pinned underneath you.


He turned around as he began to walk away, he couldn't go back now. If he did, nothing good would come out from it, because all he knew was that he'll beat Polnareff into a living pulp...but why?

He stoped walking as he looked at the ground, muttering to himself, "is this...jealously?"

He began to hear rustling again, a few mutters were heard. He looked over at the direction as his brows furrowed.

He began to walk over to the direction of the voices, ready to take his anger out on whoever was around.

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